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Alright LSU fans, what do you think of us?

LSUfaninMiss;1022211; said:
Thanks, I love college football, I actually love all college sports.

This board has done so much to help me BECOME a college football fan. Stick around, you should like it here if you like great sports talk, the occasional goofiness and some genuinely good folks.
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LSUfaninMiss;1022211; said:
Thanks, I love college football, I actually love all college sports.

sheesh! this thread (or shall i call it the "love bowl") is quickly becoming the black hole of greenies... i'm perpetually out of reps to give ya'll... :biggrin:

anyhow, warmest welcome to yous's [pronounced yoozez] (that's the tsun UPer equivalent of your ya'll)!
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OCBuckWife;1022212; said:
This board has done so much to help me BECOME a college football fan. Stick around, you should like it here if you like great sports talk, the occasional goofiness and some genuinely good folks.
But do you know if anyone has ever won a game scoring field goals while the other team had at least one touchdown?
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I am new here (Tiger Fan from BR) so I will give you my perception.

I think these two team are eerily similar in some aspects. Solid Running game with a QB that makes good decisions but will not win the Hiesman. Great D-lines and solid CB play. I think LSU has the upperhand in Athletes, but lack the discipline that OSU has.

Kickoff coverage has been suspect for both teams and with good return men that could be the game breaker for either team. I am more excited about this game than I was the game with OU. I honestly felt after looking over the individual matchups with OU that LSU would win by 14.. and they were on the path until a late surge by White.

Looking at this game it looks to be a toss up. Most will say OSU has not been really tested, but I watched the Wisconsin game, your team got a tough test there. Hard for any team to have a year like LSU did with all the late comebacks.

I am a member of Tigerdroppings.com and wanted to find a good buckeye board to join, so I lurked for a few days before posting. We have been overrun by some of your fan bases less desirables, mostly due to the admins refusal to drop the hammer. I will probably join you guys here where we can actually talk football, traditions and having a good time until it subsides on TD.com. :drunks:

How many coming to NOLA? I was gonna go fishing 2 or 3 days before the game, but might head down to party a bit sooner.
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