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Alright LSU fans, what do you think of us?

ScarletBlood;1022558; said:
When Texas came here, we hated them,

Sounds like the Texas fans I know.
Good luck if y'all ever meet up with Bama. Do not even venture to their boards unless you plan on praising the bear and St. Nick.

P.S. 6-6 and an Independence Bowl berth under Nicky is a vast improvement from 6-6 and an Independence Bowl berth under Shula.:confused:
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pitbull20;1022305; said:
I am more excited about this game than I was the game with OU. I honestly felt after looking over the individual matchups with OU that LSU would win by 14.. and they were on the path until a late surge by White.

i thought that LSU could have, and should have won that game by 2+ TDs... however, Nick Saban, after taking a couple shots at Tressel in the media about being too conservative, made a couple of HORRIBLE decisions (why throw the ball when they can't stop you from running it even when they know it's coming?) which lead to a final score that was in no way indicative of the disparity of those two teams.
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Nutriaitch;1022551; said:
No kidding. I had no clue we were so similar. Also, it's quite refreshing to have an opponent who actually accepts us to their boards. It's expected in the SEC to receive a lot of venom on rival boards, because of the rivalries on the field. But when you play someone "new", it seems like you'd want to have civil discussions with their fans. So far, y'all are the only ones to do so. Like I said, last year Notre Dame boards would ban anyone who said anything positive about LSU, and didn't even allow some people to join with LSU usernames.

This is a great board, and all of us Tiger fans really appreciate the warm welcome we have received here. Of course, now y'all have forced me to become somewhat of a Buckeye fan (Not on Jan 7th though), and I may have to save up some money to make a trip to the Horseshoe.

I agree with ya Nutriaitch, the fans here are great.

Remember though, at the Notre Dame board last year, I was one of the few who didn't get banned. :lol:
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Nutriaitch;1022551; said:
Like I said, last year Notre Dame boards would ban anyone who said anything positive about LSU, and didn't even allow some people to join with LSU usernames.


That's because ND fans are ignorant, insular morons.

ScarletBlood;1022558; said:
When Texas came here, we hated them, even though there was no reason to.

Where did that come from?

From everything I witnessed the dealings with the Longhorn faithful were among the better ones for an OOC opponent.

I think Buckeye fans just respect SEC schools,
No. In general we don't.

(Not meant as a knock on LSU btw)
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I must say so far ya'll LSU fans have been great and IMO have been better than the florida fans from last year (there's a couple still here though that are awesome, so not all gator fans). It's nice having some convo's and not worry'n bout things been taken out of proportion and all that shit....Great having ya'll here
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bukIpower;1022926; said:
I must say so far ya'll LSU fans have been great and IMO have been better than the florida fans from last year (there's a couple still here though that are awesome, so not all gator fans). It's nice having some convo's and not worry'n bout things been taken out of proportion and all that shit....Great having ya'll here

freakin opposing teams' fans takin' things out of proportion 'n sh*t... :biggrin:
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Nutriaitch;1022560; said:
Sounds like the Texas fans I know.
Good luck if y'all ever meet up with Bama. Do not even venture to their boards unless you plan on praising the bear and St. Nick.

P.S. 6-6 and an Independence Bowl berth under Nicky is a vast improvement from 6-6 and an Independence Bowl berth under Shula.:confused:

[Delusional Alabama Fan] Y'all just don't git it, do yuh?

Under Shula, we'd run uh sweep an' it'd go fer laik two yahrds... 'n thar wuz jus no rim'r'reazon to it't'tallll. Now with Saban, yuh see whar they run a sweep fer two yahrds... 'n Iyum gonna tell ya'... Thar's a bit o' thuh Bearrr in that thar' sweep yessirreeBOB. Yesssirr thar's a bit a thuh Barrr in tharrrr.

Yuh see, what I'm talkin' 'bout here is SabaNashun!!![/Delusional Alabama Fan]
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DaddyBigBucks;1023674; said:
[Delusional Alabama Fan] Y'all just don't git it, do yuh?

Under Shula, we'd run uh sweep an' it'd go fer laik two yahrds... 'n thar wuz jus no rim'r'reazon to it't'tallll. Now with Saban, yuh see whar they run a sweep fer two yahrds... 'n Iyum gonna tell ya'... Thar's a bit o' thuh Bearrr in that thar' sweep yessirreeBOB. Yesssirr thar's a bit a thuh Barrr in tharrrr.

Yuh see, what I'm talkin' 'bout here is SabaNashun!!![/Delusional Alabama Fan]

That is the best shit I have ever read on any forum. :slappy:
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