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Alright LSU fans, what do you think of us?

Tlangs;1021982; said:
lvbuckeye;1021967; said:
absolutely incorrect.the Belgians have been brewing lambics for 500 years. the ancient Egyptians brewed beer and added fruit to it. people have been adding fruit to beer for the entire history of civilization.

yeah but you have to admit.....it is kinda girly to drink "Strawberry Ale".

yeah. you go ahead and drink your light beer... REAL manly... what, are you trying to preserve your boyish figure? no calories, no flavor, no alcohol content which means it has no body, no character, the whole thing. light beer sucks. you take your Busch Light, which i will admit was great when i was 19, and needed to get as many beers as possible for $10... but give me a Chimay, a New Belgium Abbey, or any Lambic with secondary fermentation and 8% alcohol by volume any day of the week. hell, i throw an orange slice in my Fat Tire every once in a while. it takes it to a whole other level.

edit: you've heard of wine snobs. i'm a beer snob. :)
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Tlangs;1021958; said:
Nope. It was back in college and Busch Light was the choice. I have since tried many types of micro brews/$7 a six pack beers and I have found that Busch Light is one of better tasting beers. Why pay more for something that doesn't taste as good.

Not to mention that the Buckeyes have over an 80% winning percentage since I started drinking Busch Light. I can't risk switching, the ramifications could be disastrous.

I understand. I buy miller high life as just my everyday kind of beer and have grown accustomed to it's taste, so much so that i like it but with these Abita beers, even the ones brew with fruit, they are more complimentary with certain foods.
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Tlangs;1021982; said:
lvbuckeye;1021967; said:
absolutely incorrect.the Belgians have been brewing lambics for 500 years. the ancient Egyptians brewed beer and added fruit to it. people have been adding fruit to beer for the entire history of civilization.
yeah but you have to admit.....it is kinda girly to drink "Strawberry Ale".

it is, but it's not like I'm drinking some seagrams or some shit. it's a full bodied beer with strawberries brewed in with it. we grow strawberries in Louisiana and Abita is brewed in Louisiana so, they try to stay with the local flavor. For instance, they also have a Pecan Harvest Ale which is a better good brew as well. Turbodog has chocolate in it too but it'll put hair on your chest. it's darker than guiness.
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lvbuckeye;1021992; said:
yeah. you go ahead and drink your light beer... REAL manly... what, are you trying to preserve your boyish figure? no calories, no flavor, no alcohol content .......

That is why i mentioned in my original post about a few Jack Daniels chasers thrown into the mix:wink2: I think a few of those makes up for the 3.5% different in alcohol content between Busch Light and Big Boy Beer.

Anywhoooo......I am really half joking about Busch Light. It is definitley my beer of choice on gameday when I am having a bunch of people over to watch the game. I do like a nice dark beer on occasion (Sammy Smith Oatmeal Stout is one of my favorites).
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Sammy Smith's Oatmeal Stout IS great... and i like Sierra Nevada's Porter as well... but it's not like i don't toss some Crown Royal or Jagermeister down my gullet along with the Fat Tires (which is what i regularly drink)...

meh, i don't even know why i bothered to argue... it's like the Romans said: There's no debating matters of taste... but then again, i DO like to argue...

cheers, no matter what you drink!
:cheers: :beer: :drunks:
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Ive been to Columbus

Tlangs;1022060; said:
We'll be able to drink.....just not as fast as you southerners:biggrin:

and I just do not seem to remember being able to drink alcohol 24 hours a day, 7 days a week like we New Orleanians do. Nor can I recall walking the streets with alcohol in my hand as you can here. Also, I do not think I saw ONE drive thru daquiri place the whole time I was up there lol.

On another note, New Orleans welcomes all Buckeye fans to the city. We're ready and excited for the opportunity to host the BCS National Championship.

This Tiger team hasn't blown out anyone since VT so I don't expect anyone to run away from anyone. LSU is probably the SEC's most physical team and I expect tOSU to match that level of focus. Should be a great game but tOSU fans be wary of too much alcohol while your here. It's like the casino's with no clocks anywhere. You walk out of a bar and the sun is shining and you wonder where the last three days went.
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lvbuckeye;1022061; said:
Sammy Smith's Oatmeal Stout IS great... and i like Sierra Nevada's Porter as well... but it's not like i don't toss some Crown Royal or Jagermeister down my gullet along with the Fat Tires (which is what i regularly drink)...

meh, i don't even know why i bothered to argue... it's like the Romans said: There's no debating matters of taste... but then again, i DO like to argue...

cheers, no matter what you drink!
:cheers: :beer: :drunks:

Your talking my kind of talk. Drinking a Chimay amber right now. I too have become a beer snob in my old age but im not above pounding pbr tall boys.
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Since this has become the "what you drink" thread :wink2:, I've always ranked my favorite beers this way:

1) Cold
2) Free
3) Hopefully Both

Having said that, I confess to the Bud Light, if I am looking to actually drink multiple beers, or Black and Tans if the night is special. 7 & 7's at wedding receptions, but don't let me go all night....
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