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Alabama 41, scum 14 (final)

buckeyebri;2204870; said:
I think that is what Bama's defensive plan is.....

I agree, but this Michigan team was built for RichRod's read option rushing attack and bubble screens. To completely take that away makes no sense. It may not (probably won't) work, but it's all you can do with Shoelace, a 5'6" tailback, and these receivers.
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GeorgiaBuck2;2204877; said:

I love this one.....:lol:

GO BLUE! In Arlington for the game. I have seen 6 other Michigan families at the hotel, and finally saw a Bama family checking in today. I told them "all shucks, you are so great, you should win by 17 pts" -- all this knowing full well that a Brady Hoke led team doesn't get beat like that. Remember Ball State vs Michigan in 2006? Remember SDSU vs the great TCU? Even though he lost each of those games; his teams had vastly less talent. Bama has great talent, but not so uneven vs Michigan today as Michigan over Ball State or TCU over SDSU. You get the point. I'll sandbag and play underdog, but Coach Hoke will have his boys ready.
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Poe McKnoe;2204878; said:
I agree, but this Michigan team was built for RichRod's read option rushing attack and bubble screens.
And denard was quite poor at running it.

Denard was good at QB sweeps & QB power sets where he had 10 blockers.

His read option plays were much less successful, in part because they often had to tell him before the snap what the read was.
To completely take that away makes no sense. It may not (probably won't) work, but it's all you can do with Shoelace, a 5'6" tailback, and these receivers.
They've tried the bubble screens, they've barely worked (though moreso than most sets).
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