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Alabama 41, scum 14 (final)

ORD_Buckeye;2204909; said:
Just the cynic in me, but did Flintstone see this plunger bearing down on his ass and suspended Toussaint to give himself an excuse....and give himself some Paternoesque holier-than-thou card to play as a bonus.

Would it have helped the French to have a few more rifles to drop when the Germans attacked?

Toussaint can't throw it for that goofy little bitch QB.
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ScarletnGray 33;2204915; said:
I can't stop smiling during this game... I know many care about public perception of our conference, but watching TSUN be decimated is pretty enjoyable.

What?!? Only teams that sucked and lost/are getting handled this past couple days are Ped State and SCUM
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Jake;2204907; said:
Michigan being ranked #8 in the country is another reminder of the stupidity of preseason polls.
[S-E-C conspiracy theory]TSUN was only ranked that high so that Alabama's win would look that much better.[/S-E-C conspiracy theory]

BTW, totally agree. This TSUN team isn't a top 25 team... not even close.
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GeorgiaBuck2;2204877; said:

Oh, so you're thumping' your chest cause you beat some MAC team?!? Play somebody!! You play USC, Texas look at what happens! Beat up on Miami, Toledo (oh wait, you barely beat them t home!). Just like some buckeyes, talking' $hlt and ain't done a thing!! Not surprised

Well...at least we didn't actually LOSE to Toledo at home..just sayin'...
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