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#6 Tennessee +4.5 vs #2 tOSU (ov/un 134.5 ) Fri 7:07 ET, CBS

Lighty sat most of the half, and we lead by 3. We got 13 bench points, 9 from Simmons.

We're okay. We didn't play our best yet we have the lead.
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Way too easy to end the half there.

1) Turner has to let the game come to him. He's been forcing things all tourney. Looks disinterested sometimes...

2) Simmons has been great, but I'll be glad to have Lighty back on the court.
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buckeyebri;1681684; said:
Wow Verne just realized that Lighty has been out much of the half....It is not football Verne...have another beer....
That's one thing I hate about CBS, they frequently ignore foul calls so they continue their comment from 10 seconds earlier.

Even silence would let us hear the PA announcer. No graphic, no mention of fouls, no context.

They barely even mentioned it when Lighty left with his 2nd, which is a huge loss, especially for the heavily covered OSU bench (or lack thereof).
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Color me impressed that we are going into the half with the lead. The refs certainly didn't help. Diebler gets shoved off the court.. no call. That was about as bad as it could have been and, so I fully expect a much better 2nd half.
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Man, I cannot believe how horrible these refs have been so far. Giving Hightower a run for his money, if you ask me.

Aside from that major problem, the guys can't really do much else right now. I just hope that Thad keeps using the zones on D instead of man. They (Tenn.) seem a little lost against the zone.
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scott91575;1681689; said:
Lauderdale looks a step slow in his help defense compared to earlier in the year.

zone and man are seperate animals. We went man with Lighty out to try and negate our size disadvantage which means Lauderdale can't play the middle of the court and play help defense like we're used to seeing. I think you'll see a much better defense in the second half...better rebounding, more contested shots, fewer lay-ups off of penetration, and much more zone.
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jwinslow;1681697; said:
That's one thing I hate about CBS, they frequently ignore foul calls so they continue their comment from 10 seconds earlier.

Even silence would let us hear the PA announcer. No graphic, no mention of fouls, no context.

They barely even mentioned it when Lighty left with his 2nd, which is a huge loss, especially for the heavily covered OSU bench (or lack thereof).

I had to laugh when he asked what triggered the big run in the middle of the half....duuuuuuhhhhhh
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