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#6 Tennessee +4.5 vs #2 tOSU (ov/un 134.5 ) Fri 7:07 ET, CBS

Simmons giving us good minutes in place of Lighty, who I hope stays out until halftime. Can't afford to have him get #3 before the break. We'll need him late.
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Tennessee shooting well over their average from 3. The basket looks huge for them right now, get a few contested shots and that should dissipate.
Fungo Squiggly;1681676; said:
SIMMONS! Huge baskets tonight!
Tressel saves plays for Michigan. Matta saves Simmons for March :biggrin:

Not sure how that was our ball. Didn't madsen catch it on the ground?
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Wow, Jeremie has really helped. 9 points.

If we can get to the half tied or leading we will run away with it in the second. That is assuming that David stays on the court.

I like that Thadd has sat him, didn't knee jerk react to UT's run. We should own the seond half, just like we did the first until DL went to the bench.
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