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#6 Tennessee +4.5 vs #2 tOSU (ov/un 134.5 ) Fri 7:07 ET, CBS

Too much dribbling on offense. Especially when UT is collapsing on him. Wait for the collapse and pass out of it instead of trying to dribble through it.
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This is intense basketball:biggrin:. Im liking what I'm seeing from Buford, but yes Tennessee is getting too many easy baskets. Keep in mind we are playing without Lighty, with them dominating the Offensive glass like they are, I cant believe we are winning.
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We'll prob give up around 40 points this half...can't wait to get Lighty back on the court. Hopefully he makes a huge difference in the second half on the defensive side of the court. No f'n way we give up 40 points in a half with Lighty on the court. Just no size when Simmons replaces him. And people wonder why PJand Jeremie lost all of their minutes....we're already undersized, bring in another 6 footer for Diebler, Turner, Buford, or Lighty. How much smaller do you want to go?

Get me to the second half even or better and I'm really happy...down a bucket or two and I'll still take it.
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