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#6 Tennessee +4.5 vs #2 tOSU (ov/un 134.5 ) Fri 7:07 ET, CBS

Another garbage call. A very minor foul vs Madsen when they let the harsher contact go on other drives. Very inconsistent reffing that is ruining some talented basketball.
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BlufftonBuckeye;1681618; said:
Our performance on the boards has been awful. Its nothing to do with size, everything to do with effort. Really need David back out there.

Nice three by Jeremie!!!

Ask a Ga Tech fan how the feel about our game vs. them....Favors being out half the game really shifted that game. Lighty being out more than half the first half is really a tough blow. He's our best defender, and second best rebounder. Tough pill to swallow when he didn;t even make contact on his second foul, and the first foul happened with his back to the offensive player who grabbed a rebound and was going for a lay-up and Lighty didn't even make a play on him.
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jwinslow;1681628; said:
Another garbage call. A very minor foul vs Madsen when they let the harsher contact go on other drives. Very inconsistent reffing that is ruining some talented basketball.

Yep. That happens on every rebound.

I'd like to think the refs have met their cheap call quotas for both teams, but.....
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our guys are now terrified to contest the ball underneath after all of these whistles.
billmac91;1681633; said:
Ask a Ga Tech fan how the feel about our game vs. them....Favors being out half the game really shifted that game. Lighty being out more than half the first half is really a tough blow. He's our best defender, and second best rebounder. Tough pill to swallow when he didn;t even make contact on his second foul, and the first foul happened with his back to the offensive player who grabbed a rebound and was going for a lay-up and Lighty didn't even make a play on him.
correction, he was shoved out of the way, held at arms length.. and then stood on the ground away from the ball as Tenn shot an uncontested jumper.
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