These players should sit out the Sugar Bowl. If the NCAA doesn't want to do it, then Tressel should.
No matter what the reason for them selling these things, nor how insignificant you feel that this violation is, it is still a violation, and one that is so obvious that all the players had to know what they were doing was against NCAA rules.
They made the decisions to sell these items and therefore knew that they were putting the whole football program at risk. This is a black eye for everyone at Ohio State, not just these specific players, and the fault is theirs alone. Ignorance is never a valid defense in our country. There are always people you can ask if something is okay to do before you do it.
I applaud Gene Smith for saying that OSU needed to improve their education to the players on this matter. He is just saying the right things, though, and the fault is really not his nor any lack of education. These kids were taught, and they knew. And even if they weren't sure, they would have asked if they were worried about breaking the rules.
Sit these players on January 4, Coach Tressel! They should not play one down. There are other players who have not violated the rules who deserve to play in this game. If you let them play I think it casts even more of a shadow over the game, and the program. These players have already given the university a black eye, no need for them to do any more damage by playing in the bowl game. Plus what kind of message would playing them send to the freshman on the bench. Especially when these players may just enter the NFL draft this winter.
Send the right message. Ohio State should not stand for this. Good for the NCAA suspending the kids five games. But now Ohio State needs to do the right thing and suspend them for the bowl game.
And wanting to sit the players does not mean I don't like them nor wish for them to have success on or off the field. I hope they are very successful in their football careers, and more importantly their life. If they were my kids, the punishment they would get at home would make being suspended for five football games seem like nothing.
It is a privledge to play football at Ohio State. These kids spent their whole lives earning that privledge, but they lost it by selling these things. It will take awhile for them to earn it back, which they can and should. But they will not have earned it back by January 4th.