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5 players suspended for 5 games in 2011 regular season (Appeal has been denied)

Gothmog8;1840125; said:
I hate that probably in-between every play during the game, the commentators will talk about this Ad nauseam.


One of the few respites I get from "holiday festivities" with family is being able to zone out watching meaningless bowl games.

This year, I'm not doing that because I really don't want to hear this situation discussed ad infinitum.

Now I have to "engage and enjoy". And next week, the trip to Lincoln Nebraska to visit with the other half of the family.

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3074326;1840073; said:
How is showing total disregard to your teammates not morally blameworthy? I disagree 100% with that statement. There's more than football at work here. These players jeopardized 80 teammates and a bunch of coaches' seasons next year and reputations. That's messed up and selfish. And certainly worthy of some bitterness from the fanbase, not even from a football perspective. I love more than OSU football, and I hate seeing this kind of stuff associated with the school. Especially when the school really had nothing to do with it.


Those so willing to forgive and forget and say "mistakes were made and we should give them a second chance" are misinterpreting the situation. These were not personal mistakes that affected solely the 5 players involved. These were willing, pre-meditated violations of clear rules that put the ENTIRE program in a poor position. That's definitively selfish and deserves any backlash fans want to have toward it. Do I wish these players great success? Of course. Am I disappointed and willing to forgive them in the long run? Absolutely. However, it is not anywhere NEAR my prerogative right now to accept that these players did not willingly throw their teammates under the bus and even worse tried to get away with it for nearly 2 years. These are guys that fans who share this perspective will have a tough time cheering for in this bowl game. They don't deserve to play this game, or any game, until they've paid back everyone involved; the monetary debt, the NCAA punishment and the retribution owed to the fans for such shameless acts of betrayal.

In the end it's not about who or why or how.

The WHAT is that these young men made the choice to jeopardize more than just themselves for something as petty as a few bucks. I can deal with the choice to put yourself at risk but not blatantly selfish acts that put everyone around you at risk.
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The thing I keep coming back to is, every NCAA student athlete should be well aware that if they do anything that involves money it is probably against the rules, they should check with someone first to make sure.

You can parse the NCAA rulebook, the statements from the University, the coaches & the administrators and the kids all you want, but it really does come down to that.

There is really no excuse.
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SmoovP;1840157; said:
The thing I keep coming back to is, every NCAA student athlete should be well aware that if they do anything that involves money it is probably against the rules, they should check with someone first to make sure.

You can parse the NCAA rulebook, the statements from the University, the coaches & the administrators and the kids all you want, but it really does come down to that.

There is really no excuse.
Absolutely and exactly. Words of wisdom to believe which makes it hard for me to believe that you an Arky fan. :biggrin:
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I was reading a post by Skip Bayless on twitter today and he said that tOSU should step in and suspend these players for the Sugar Bowl. It really pisses me off when media people fail to find out the facts before passing judgment. But he's employed by ESPiN, so it doesn't surprise me.
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Just to add my opinion to this.
I believe what they did was wrong. Am I disappointed, you bet. Do I think they should have some type of consequence, yes. Do I think 5 games is a bit of a reach? Yes. I think community service is a good idea, and builds character. I know that they will learn from their mistakes, just as all of us have. Will our outcome of game wins be different? Possibly. But, This too shall pass..... We are more than just one player, we are a team. The buckeye nation will carry on, and we will still, be a force to be reckoned with. Carry on......

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CentralMOBuck;1840167; said:
I was reading a post by Skip Bayless on twitter today and he said that tOSU should step in and suspend these players for the Sugar Bowl. It really [censored]es me off when media people fail to find out the facts before passing judgment. But he's employed by ESPiN, so it doesn't surprise me.

Couldn't agree more
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CentralMOBuck;1840167; said:
I was reading a post by Skip Bayless on twitter today and he said that tOSU should step in and suspend these players for the Sugar Bowl. It really [censored]es me off when media people fail to find out the facts before passing judgment. But he's employed by ESPiN, so it doesn't surprise me.

There's nothing wrong with his opinion. TOSU could suspend them for the bowl game. The fact that the NCAA suspended them next year has nothing to do with how TOSU deals with this during the bowl game.
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matcar;1840192; said:
There's nothing wrong with his opinion. TOSU could suspend them for the bowl game. The fact that the NCAA suspended them next year has nothing to do with how TOSU deals with this during the bowl game.
OSU was (is?) planning on suspending them for the bowl game. The NCAA came in and said "don't do that."

Point was that Skip Bayless didn't bother finding out that information.
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