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5 players suspended for 5 games in 2011 regular season (Appeal has been denied)

since everyone else is restating the same thing over and over again I will give my two cents again.

If OSU/Big Ten could get confirmation that if they suspend players for the bowl game, it would reduce the 5 game suspension in 2011, I would be on board for suspending them right now. My guess is that the NCAA isn't going to give us this confirmation since they want them to play in the bowl game...thus ruling them eligible.

If it isn't a stone cold lead pipe lock to reduce the suspensions in 2011, what is the point? We get to pound our chests that we are tough on rulebreakers while the rest of the college football world still calls us a dirty program with a bunch of cheaters? You aren't going to please the haters with anything you do. We still had 5 guys break the rules. What is the saying....haters gonna hate.

Are we supposed to be the nice guy and go above and beyond what the judge and jury say? F that noise. Win the bowl game with these guys and let the criticism roll off your back. In about 4-8 months some other scandal will break and everyone can jump on the hater bandwagon for that program.
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Zander42;1843382; said:
Not only is Tressel's moral compass and "do right" meter in perfect working order, but it's often a bit glossed over just how smart this guy really is. This is a brilliant move, even from the most cynical perspective. In this one move, the pressure is off of the program and on to the players (who actually committed the violation), but in a positive way that will allow them to redeem themselves.

Folks, that's leadership.

jlb1705;1843396; said:
Color me impressed.

Tressel's ultimatum strikes the perfect balance between the two sides of the argument that went on over the last umpteen pages of this thread. These young men will get to take responsibility for their actions, and spend another year learning and developing. None of these guys were ready for the draft, and JT has got them to take another year to get themselves ready, help the team, and hopefully finish their degrees.

billmac91;1843455; said:
I was really disappointed in the tOSU administration the last 2 weeks, but as usual, JT shows why he is the best. One way or the other, these kids will serve their suspension. No playing in the Sugar Bowl and escaping the consequences which was one of my main concerns.

These kids play the game and tOSU saves face by forcing them to take their medicine. I really appreciate the way JT handled this. And I just can't see any players going back on their word after already putting the school in this position.


I have not seen a single person suggest this as a possible course of action. JT probably thought of it immediately. That's why we are dumbass message board posters, and he's making the big bucks. Simple. Perfect. Brilliant. Just the right balance between straight up punishment and allowing them to act like adults and grow from their mistakes. Love it...
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WolverineMike;1843536; said:
So why not STILL suspend them for the bowl game and use it as leverage for less games during the appeal for next season?

Something I have said to my kids for years is that they have 2 ears and 1 mouth and there is a reason for that. Let the 2 ears do their thing, process the info the 2 ears has gathered before using the 1 mouth.

In that spirit, you have billions (since you are a skunkbear, maybe only millions) of brain cells. Let them do their thing before you get antsy and feel the need to use your 2 hands to make a post.
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Losing to Arkansas in the bowl game would destroy whatever credibility we have left and would sink us in the preseason polls for next year. We would have to be the only undefeated team in the land to be safe in getting to the NC game. So there is a bit of a factor here.
not true in the slightest. do you write material for ESPN talking heads? this is ridiculous. After the crap that started this "Ohio State sucks in big games" nonsense in 2006(7), we were still ranked #1 this year....where winning out would have meant yet another appearance in the title game. but somehow losing to Arkansas with a built in excuse would be the straw that broke the camel's back? entirely doubtful.
Not much. The first 4 games next year are gimmes.....the Michigan STate game is at home and by then our temporary QB situation will be decent or even good.
Miami isn't a gimme AT ALL.....especially after you downgrade the difficulty of the MSU game. where is the Miami game being held? I also don't see how you can even downgrade MSU to begin with. they've done nothing but improve ever since Dantonio took over, and they should be a pretty big test.....especially without Pryor & Co.
Say what ? If the bowl was meaningless, I suspect the captains would have voted to have the suspension include the bowl game. Your statement is ridiculous.
Bowl games are for show. They're to sell ad space. It means something to the players on the team.....it means almost nothing in the grand scheme of CFB. that's my opinion......I'm not trying to state it as a fact like you are with your other points.
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BayBuck;1843549; said:
Do you have any specific reason to believe that the NCAA can actually be leveraged in that way? Awfully big risk to take without some kind of firm assurance otherwise...

it is a risk, but like many have said in this thread, this bowl game is meaningless and would rather have the team at full strength next season. So what is the risk, really?

But clearly there is nothing OSU can do that's going to satisfy you here--and frankly nobody associated with OSU gives a May what you think anyway--so how about you quit this trolling and head back to one of your frontrunner threads?

just having a conversation. If you don't want have one then simply don't reply to my comments. I've received plenty of kudos, well wishes, and personal messages here since I've joined that says otherwise to your thinking. You are definitely in the minority when it comes to people not wanting my opinion around here. And frankly, that's probably what pisses the guys off the most around here that don't like me, is that they have nothing to dislike about me other than what team I root for on Saturday.

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WolverineMike;1843585; said:
just having a conversation. If you don't want have one then simply don't reply to my comments. I've received plenty of kudos, well wishes, and personal messages here since I've joined that says otherwise to your thinking. You are definitely in the minority when it comes to people not wanting my opinion around here. And frankly, that's probably what pisses the guys off the most around here that don't like me, is that they have nothing to dislike about me other than what team I root for on Saturday.


I think they like you more here than on the tsun boards. Of course, all tsun fans basically tear each other's throats out if given the chance. They are an angry bunch.
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WolverineMike;1843585; said:
...they have nothing to dislike about me other than what team I root for on Saturday.


Oh, I'm sure there's more to dislike about you than just that. For one, you are corrupting innocent children by raising them as a heathen M*ch*g*n lover. You can choose your own path, but for the love of all that's holy, leave the children alone. That, sir, is inexcusable...
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