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5 players suspended for 5 games in 2011 regular season (Appeal has been denied)

Saw31;1843595; said:
Oh, I'm sure there's more to dislike about you than just that. For one, you are corrupting innocent children by raising them as a heathen M*ch*g*n lover. You can choose your own path, but for the love of all that's holy, leave the children alone. That, sir, is inexcusable...

Just like the recruits, kid's know that mom know's best. :)
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buckiprof;1843565; said:
Something I have said to my kids for years is that they have 2 ears and 1 mouth and there is a reason for that. Let the 2 ears do their thing, process the info the 2 ears has gathered before using the 1 mouth.

Yeah, well...

I'd tell girls that they had two breasts and I had two hands - and there must be a reason for that too....

I'm sure you will have as much luck with your logic as I did with mine. :paranoid:
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With all the [Mark May] swirling around THE Ohio State University and the Sugar Bowl, Jan. 4th can't get here fast enough.

I really think the Buckeyes are in a no-win situation whatever the outcome of the game is. If we win, then the national public perception will be that the players involved in the suspension shouldn't have played. If we lose, then we'll still hear the haters say that the Buckeyes can't beat the SEC in a bowl game and that they choked again on the national stage. Like the saying goes, "Perception is reality" and we're snakebit either way. It's a shame too considering that the majority of the focus is on the players/Tressel/University when it really should be on the cloud of hypocrisy under which the NCAA operates and how they pick and choose who/how to delegate their unwieldy power at.

I really don't see a problem with the players selling something they earned and risked possible permanent injury for. If that's their choice, then fine, so be it. Besides, all the players regardless of what bowl they play in receive free gifts. The bigger the bowl game, the better the free gifts. How is this any different? Because those free gifts are being provided by the corporations who are the lifeblood of the NCAA and who sponsor the bowl games. But that's okay, according to the hypocritical NCAA. The NCAA's not about to bite the hand that feeds it. A kid selling a possession he earned to give his family some extra $$$ for the holidays or trading his autograph for a tattoo, not okay. The NCAA is a complete joke and run a sham operation.
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is that THE Johnny Utah?
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Here are the quotes from JT in New Orleans today which related to the suspensions.


Opening Statement: "Thanks so much. We (Ohio State) are excited to be here in New Orleans, as all of you are to get the opportunity to cover it. You talk about goals and so forth as you go into a season and to end at the Allstate Sugar Bowl is a pretty special thing and on behalf of all of us we'd like to thank the Sugar Bowl Committee. We are excited to compete against a great Arkansas team. I had a chance to talk to Bobby (Petrino) the other day and I know they are excited as well. Our kids are looking forward to a lot of fun and a great experience and they've already gotten a chance to taste New Orleans a bit, I hope we don't eat too much but this food is awfully good and I know you folks will experience the same."

On if all five players involved in NCAA decision pledged to come back for next season...

"They would not be here if that weren't the case."

On if all five players involved in NCAA decision will play in the game on Tuesday...

"The guys will play as to what they deserve to play from a football standpoint. We will be evaluated as it relates to football."

On how big of a distraction this has been for the Ohio State team and for himself as well...

"Anytime you spend time on anything that's a little bit of a distraction, but we are fortunate in this particular case playing in the Sugar Bowl against a well-coached team like Arkansas. All you have to do is turn that film on and think about your good fortune to be in a BCS game and so forth. You can try to make up that time, but you know just like anything else you invest your time in certain things and wish you had more time for others. But with a little bit later game being January 4th it has given us an opportunity to take care of what we need to and when things come up you take care of them. When game time hits on January 4th we will be ready."

On who was involved in crafting the final decision (allowing players to play) on the five players involved in NCAA decision and the difficulty of dealing with the situation...

"I think every decision we make is by committee, whether it be the people above you or next to you or the people you serve. You don't wake up one morning and say this is what we are going to do, that's not how football coach's work. You get in meeting rooms and you argue and decide you're going to do this on third down. Every situation that doesn't go the way you'd like it is disappointing as a coach. That's just the way it is. Whether they (distractions) are the ones on the field, or off the field. That's why you are there. You are there to serve and handle the good times and the bad times."

On his reaction to the type of memorabilia the players sold...

"It's disappointing. A number of people reached out as we've been dealing with this thing maybe to calm my thinking or whatever and one the thing said was, 'Keep in mind coach you're dealing with a different generation. Back when you were growing up one guy got a trophy, maybe, and now you're dealing with a generation that if you were on the team and you were seven years old everyone got a trophy. Maybe this generation doesn't understand the value of awards like we did.' I understand the argument. Not sure I justify the deal, but it does make it disappointing."

"Our kids all went out and visited Archie Griffin, because they said, 'Coach, how can we let the former players know that we feel terrible about what we did?' and I said, 'Gosh, I don't know. Archie Griffin is the head of our alumni association, the CEO, and his office is across the street. Go see if he'll take a visit.' He wasn't in the office that day, but he said, 'You know what, come out to my house.' He said the kids might get a different perspective when they look at my basement and see how important some of those things are to me. Like most things, a valuable lesson. I've said many times in adversity, lives are changed. It really dawned on me this morning with our players as some of them conceivably couldn't have been here if we made that decision."

On whether the quarterback race will heat up with Terrelle Pryor out for five games next season...

"Not leading up to this bowl. I'm sure in the spring and so forth. Again, one of the things we've asked everyone involved to do is because of the decisions everyone has made, what we all know about - there are 24 guys who aren't going to be here anymore - let's make sure we commit ourselves to Ohio State versus Arkansas through January 4, and I'm sure the answer to your question is that of course, in the spring that would heat it up."

On what effect the suspensions will have on the team's play in the Sugar Bowl...

"Gosh, I hope none. I think the thing that will have an impact on how we play in the Sugar Bowl will be how we play. Will we take care of the ball? Will we knock it loose? Will we cover our lanes on the kickoff coverage? So, will those things have an effect? I would sure like to think they wouldn't."
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Back when you were growing up one guy got a trophy, maybe, and now you're dealing with a generation that if you were on the team and you were seven years old everyone got a trophy. Maybe this generation doesn't understand the value of awards like we did.

That's a good point - doesn't justify the actions, as Coach said - but it's a good point. The "self esteem" crowd has cheapened recognizing achievement in the interest of not hurting someone else's feelings. A trophy? Big deal. Everybody gets one. Valedictorian? My niece's class a couple years ago had 22 valedictorians. Amazingly, they all had 4.0 GPAs.

Anyway, it'll be interesting to see how the team plays amidst all of this BS.

Go Bucks! :osu:
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Thursday, December 30, 2010


By Lee Hudnell at 3:20 PM

Arkansas head coach Bobby Petrino (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky) NEW ORLEANS ? Arkansas head coach Bobby Petrino said on Thursday that he was happy the five Ohio State players ? who were suspended by the NCAA for receiving improper benefits ? were ruled eligible to play in next week's Sugar Bowl game in New Orleans.

Petrino, who has led the No. 8 Razorbacks (10-2) to their first BCS bowl game ever, said that he didn't want anything to tarnish this special moment in Arkansas football history.

"When it first came out, we happened to be having a team meeting right before we were ready to leave," Petrino said Thursday, inside the ballroom at the Marriott New Orleans at the Convention Center. "We all talked about how we hoped there's nothing to this situation. We want them to be eligible for the game.

"We get to a bowl game of this magnitude, you want to play against their best players, so I think we're fortunate that they're eligible to play."

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Gatorubet;1843606; said:
Yeah, well...

I'd tell girls that they had two breasts and I had two hands - and there must be a reason for that too....

I'm sure you will have as much luck with your logic as I did with mine. :paranoid:

Meh, my "logic" worked well when they were younger.

I am quite fortunate to have 2 boys and I am sure that they will follow the Gator logic you put forth.
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EidoloN;1843530; said:
I'm still not understanding how they recieved "improper benefits" selling the items that belonged to THEM. Even AJ Green, any student or person anywhere can sell anything owned by them. Because you're a student athlete, you can't get money by making a legal transaction? Someone help me understand :)

no, they can't sell stuff that wasn't there's before their eligibility started....and they can sell anything they want after their eligibility is up

this rule is important because without it you would have "ordinary citizens" paying extraordinary sums for items like these...thus making the player a professional.(sort of)

imagine the bed that Tim Tebow and Gary Danielson shared together being sold for $50,000
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