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#3 Wisconsin 72, #5 Ohio State 69 (Final)

They looked pretty good but are still making the same mistakes. The first half looked like all playground ball. no passing or teamwork. all run and shoot. On D same old mistakes , perimeter D isn't there. They got outplayed.
Here's hoping by the tourney they will learn.
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I'm proud of the way this team fought back(with a little help from Wisky's poor free throw shooting). We need to get in an offensive groove much earlier. Doesn't seem like there's much of a gameplan at the beginning of the game. It's encouraging that we only lost by 3 at #3/#4 Wisconsin but can get so much better. I'd still like that signature win though and we can get that against Tennessee.
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Bernini;712900; said:
We almost gave it away with missed free throws. That was pathetic. Good on the Buckeyes for taking advantage though. They had a chance to tie at the end, but they hit plenty up until that point. This should have been a double digit win for the Badgers, so that finish sours it a bit.

Good game guys:cheers:

Shoulda', woulda', coulda'. Your team better learn come tourney time how to close a game out otherwise they may be going home early.

Man, you really need to lighten up. I've been nothing but class.

It's not wise to say it should've been an even bigger victory for your team on an opponent's board. We know you're a cool guy, Bernini.
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Some are probably upset about this lose. While I hate a loss as much as everyone else this game is about as positive as it can be without us putting up the win.

Young Young Young Young and Young

That is the theme of my post. We are still young and learning. Even the vetrans are still having trouble due to the fact that young guys arent doing the things that they might be used to guys doing that are playing along side them.

Cook has been up and down all season and today he was down. We needed him at some points when we were struggling to score and he couldnt get hot. One of the reasons I believe he didnt see that much time in the second half. The thing is games like this where he is out of his comfort zone on the road agaisnt a very good D is only going to help him going forward. He is an electric scorere that is so smooth and will continue to get his points.

Oden is still working the kinks out from his injuries. He is still getting used to the size of the players in the college game and I think got suckered into a couple ticky tack fouls from vetran players. He needs work on his free throws, hopefully he can get back to shooting right handed soon, and he needs to find ways to get a post up on his guy and in the sight of the guards to get the ball. He also needs to feel the guy on his back, and realize when there is nothing there. Once again all things that were glaring tonite in a very tough situation, that won't be so glaring towards the end of the year.

Lighty is really struggling with confidence right now. I think it has to do with adjusting to playing against better compeition. I just hope that he comes up instead of keeping his head down.

Conley played very smart at times. He also needs work on his free throws, but his ability to get to the rim and to pass is uncanny. He forced a couple, and I think that he needs to take a shot or two from behind the arc, just to keep the D honest. I think a couple makes and his confidence will go up.

Hunter had the early foul trouble, but I thought he played well when in there. I hope that Matta starts to gain more confidence in him in the big games as he tends to leave him on the bench in these types of games. See UF, Wisky, and even the Indiana game. Overall Hunter is young to the DI game and is still adjusting, much like the other 4 newcomers.

As for the vetrans yes they had their bonehead plays, TO's by Butler and Lewis in crucial situations, and Lewis seemed to dissapear at times when we could of used him. But the thing is these guys are still young to playing with the young guys that are still adjusting.

You watch when Lewis attempts to take the ball to the hoop and cant get all the way there due to Oden stepping in front of him. When Oden sees this he needs to try and move out of the paint or try to get in position for a lob or an offensive rebound.

Also for Harris yes he shot very well tonite and really kept us in the game, but I could of done without a couple of his 3 point shots as we needed to run a little offense. Things that a vetran should know, but due to the team struggling at times to score, him being a vetran he wanted to stop the bleeding.

Butler, as I am sure a lot of you guys seen tonite, just about every 3 he made tonite was when he took a bounce b4 the shot. They were utilizing the high screen and roll from Oden and Harris, just like I wanted to see. Butler shoots 10x's better off the dribble and it was obvious tonite. He also needs to shoot a couple times inside the arc when he is open. Overall I think he has found his role and once again he is still young playing the off guard and not with the ball in his hands. It is taking time but things are coming around.

As for Twig, he played well while in there, and I think that Matta could use him some in the big ten just so Oden doesnt get ran down, as there is still alot of bball to play.

I am still concerned about the substitution patterns at times. I don't think that Oden came out in the second half. It is like Matta isnt confident to go without Oden in there, but at times we seem to spark runs as he goes to the bench. Not because we are a better team without him in there, but perimeter guys know they have to score and arent looking to the inside.

As for the game we went to one of the toughest places to play in the country and never gave up. They hit us with their best shot in terms of defense game and Taylor and their other guard(don't know why I can't remember his name) played exceptionally well. We didnt play anywhere close to as well as we are capable of, but we ended up being there till the final horn and had a shot to put it into OT.

So at this point we have played at the #1,2,3 team in the country and really UF was the only team that drilled us, but all these games are great learning experiences and we will be back to wrok and will learn from all these.

When you guys get upset just tell yourself that we are young and still learning and the games that really matter are the games in March, and be happy with how well we are improving...
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I'm not a 'moral victory' guy but tonight I think will pay huge dividends for them going into the tourney.

They fought and scrapped when pretty much everyone (including me) thought it was over.

By the way, does Vitale make anyone else's ears bleed? Geezus... my dad hated that guy and would watch games with no sound because of him. Gotta say, my dad was a smart man, I watched the last few minutes without any of Vitale's hyperbole and I gotta say, it was pretty blissful.

One more thing, can someone please tell Ivan Harris to *NOT* jack three's up all day? Yea, your going to hit 5 from beyond if you take 15!!! He's killing us. Unless it's part of the gameplan and then I respectfully say, I defer to Coach Matta. Begrudgingly.

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This one was fun to watch. We have a lot of guys who can take over a game if they can just get their shots to fall! Conley is a very impressive freshman.

Oden needs to be more active and aggressive. I don't know if he's hesitant because of his injury, but much of the time, on offense, he just looks like a big body in there but that's about it. If he had Hansborough's intensity and he'd be unstoppable.
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OSUsushichic;712965; said:
If he had Hansborough's intensity and he'd be unstoppable.
i agree; however, without hansbrough's strength and bulk, oden's increased intensity would likely result in more fouls. as i've mentioned before, until oden gains a bit more weight, it will be a struggle for him to assert himself. against indiana and wisky's big men, he's been controlled. from what i've seen of oden so far, his weight is the primary difference between being very good and being dominant.
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buckeye99;712954; said:
I'm not a 'moral victory' guy but tonight I think will pay huge dividends for them going into the tourney.

They fought and scrapped when pretty much everyone (including me) thought it was over.

By the way, does Vitale make anyone else's ears bleed? Geezus... my dad hated that guy and would watch games with no sound because of him. Gotta say, my dad was a smart man, I watched the last few minutes without any of Vitale's hyperbole and I gotta say, it was pretty blissful.

One more thing, can someone please tell Ivan Harris to *NOT* jack three's up all day? Yea, your going to hit 5 from beyond if you take 15!!! He's killing us. Unless it's part of the gameplan and then I respectfully say, I defer to Coach Matta. Begrudgingly.


If I am not mistaken Harris was 5-11 from 3. That is almost 50%. that is pretty damn good and when no one is scoring we needed them. I will agree that a couple of them were quick shots not in rhythm, but you can't say we didnt need the 3's tonite.
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crazybuckfan40;712976; said:
If I am not mistaken Harris was 5-11 from 3. That is almost 50%. that is pretty damn good and when no one is scoring we needed them. I will agree that a couple of them were quick shots not in rhythm, but you can't say we didnt need the 3's tonite.

Thanks for the correction, I was a little worked up about that tonight. Sometimes it just seems like he's out of control.

I was really bothered by Lewis/Butler turn overs, as well. I kind of expect it out of the Freshmen but not from them. We have to take better care of the ball on the road, a must.

Also, that phantom whistle at the start of the 2nd half...there's 2 pts that disappeared from a 3 pt loss. Hmm. :grr:
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buckeye99;712979; said:
Thanks for the correction, I was a little worked up about that tonight. Sometimes it just seems like he's out of control.

I was really bothered by Lewis/Butler turn overs, as well. I kind of expect it out of the Freshmen but not from them. We have to take better care of the ball on the road, a must.

Also, that phantom whistle at the start of the 2nd half...there's 2 pts that disappeared from a 3 pt loss. Hmm. :grr:

I agree. As for the to's I was peeved at them as well, but they are still adjusting to playing with the guys they are playing with. They will be ok and don't think they will be happening down the stretch of the year.

As for the phantom whistle, we scored 2 pts on that possession so I didnt find it as much of a problem.

Also to add one thing to my above observations the stretch when Wisky went on their run, we were getting beat up and down the court and they were getting layup after layup. I thought this was a time for Matta to sub some fresh legs.

Also as for another positive for the game we did a helluva job on Tucker tonite.

Should be interesting when they come to our place towards the end of the year.
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