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Well, Heller is not on the bad guys side thats for sure....

Just how long does Audrey have before she passes out?

Nice to see Bill and Chloe working together, where is Curtis?

What happened to Aaron? I don't think he is dead, thats for sure.

Henderson is a sadistic son of a bitch.....can't wait until Jack gets his hands on him.

Great episode.
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I believe Aaron was first introduced in season 2......

These next episodes should be action packed with a ton of suprises......

Pierce was actually in Day 1 (and is the only remaining original character besides Jack, now that Palmer and Tony are dead). He was in Palmer's security detail and stayed on once he became president, though it has been mentioned that Pierce has been in the Secret Service since Reagan.
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Pierce was actually in Day 1 (and is the only remaining original character besides Jack, now that Palmer and Tony are dead). He was in Palmer's security detail and stayed on once he became president, though it has been mentioned that Pierce has been in the Secret Service since Reagan.

Well, Kim Bauer is still an original character. Although, thankfully her character spends little, if any, time on the show anymore. Great to look at, but like any other blond, annoying as hell.
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Pierce was actually in Day 1 (and is the only remaining original character besides Jack, now that Palmer and Tony are dead). He was in Palmer's security detail and stayed on once he became president, though it has been mentioned that Pierce has been in the Secret Service since Reagan.

Well, the Secret Service is charged with protecting major presidential candidates, so that backstory would not be inconsistant.
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