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See, it all comes full circle...after last night's episode, it becomes obvious that Logan really is a pussy, he only appears to have balls when it's his own ass on the line...he is obviously taking orders from whoever the fuck that dude is.

I think that Bauer gets to Logan and uses him to get to the shadowmen who are controlling him. They fucked up bigtime by killing Palmer and trying to pawn it off on Jack...if they just would have left Jack out of it, they would have gotten away with it. Of course, the nerve gas would be missing...
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There are four hours left in this season... the plane's on the ground in 15 minutes... What the hell could possibly be next? Pres. implicates Dr. Romanov (for those of you who remember ER) and Jack has to find and kill him next season?

I would suggest that Jack get a helicopter in order to kill that guy. :tongue2:

Jack would be stupid to let that plane land at Van Nuys airport. That's where Henderson's men were, and that's where they expect the plane to go. He's bound to lose that tape again since he refuses to copy it.

I love it when Chloe's in the field. It was great when she Tasered that barfly. Both times. :biggrin:
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I thought it was funny too when that dude in the maroon sweater/shirt came marching up the aisle like he was gonna fuck Jack up and jack set his ass down. Determination turned retreat never fails to amuse me.

When the guy was coming up the aisle, I said:

"That guy thinks he's on United Flight 93". But he quickly decided otherwise.
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Jack would be stupid to let that plane land at Van Nuys airport. That's where Henderson's men were, and that's where they expect the plane to go. He's bound to lose that tape again since he refuses to copy it.

I'm kind of surprised that Jack hasn't copied it yet. I mean, if they can upload blueprints (sorry, "schematics" :biggrin: ) to his PDA, you would think he could send them a frickin' electronic file.

Shit, I keep forgetting this isn't real life. Or....is it?
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I'm kind of surprised that Jack hasn't copied it yet. I mean, if they can upload blueprints (sorry, "schematics" :biggrin: ) to his PDA, you would think he could send them a frickin' electronic file.

A buddy and I were discussing this today at lunch.....its a plot hole. :biggrin:

Obviously, the plane will make it down but what happens after that will be interesting......

I believe that Jack will get to President Logan at some point but I would be suprised if he gets to the guys pulling the strings.
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at the very least play it for all to hear. the possibility of collaborating with the enemy would serve to errode the pres. power giving jack the chance he needs to make a case. he has what he has been looking for. its high time he used it to leverage things that he now needs/wants.
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