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Jack Bauer Drinking Game :biggrin:

This was in the Sunday Tribune in Chicago.

Whenever Jack says one of these lines, bottoms up:

"That was our only lead!"

"Thousands of lives are at stake!"

"Tell me what I need to know!"

"We are running out of time!"

"I need you to trust me!"

"I'm so sorry."

Dont Forget Now!! either
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This is all Jack's fault. Instead of keeping his eyes on the ball and personally guarding the recording, he goes off to be with his woman. Ok, I guess I can't blame him for that. So it must be her fault.
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Miles is an ass bag......we just went through about 10 + episodes trying to get that damn tape and it takes him seconds to erase the shit......I don't like the way they handled that.

Bierko is now free and who knows where this is going to lead now....

At least Heller is alive......

I hope Miles gets his in the end......unbelievable.

How the hell is Jack going to win this one????? :(
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Erase it? Yeah, I saw him stick his hand infront of the light thingy, but they still have the original. The data may be screwy on the thing Chloe was making, but the tape itself wasn't de-magnatized by dickmunch sticking his hand in front of a red flashing light.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks said:
Erase it? Yeah, I saw him stick his hand infront of the light thingy, but they still have the original. The data may be screwy on the thing Chloe was making, but the tape itself wasn't de-magnatized by dickmunch sticking his hand in front of a red flashing light.
he had a tape eraser in his hand.....that was the flashing light.
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3:59 A.M.
Miles goes into the conference room where Chloe is working on the tape. He leans on the table next to her and innocently asks if she will be ready for the teleconference. Chloe cannot see that he is holding a black device that flashes next to the tape recorder. Satisfied with what he has done, Miles leaves.

Damn, I've never hoped so badly a character would commit suicide, and then Miles gives Logan a last-minute reprieve. So much to wrap up in 3 hours...
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