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I was rather pissed at the show last night. Lots of stupid things were being done just to keep things in jeopardy.

The part about the plane landing was fine, and Novik got to see that Logan definitely had a personal agenda in trying to shoot the plane down.

But then Jack comes back into CTU, and I'm saying "Copy that frickin' tape" (like I've been saying for the last 4 weeks) and "Jack, don't leave Chloe's side until the AG has heard the tape", and "don't tell that weasel in the hallway what's going on" - so naturally they let the weasel walk in next to Chloe to erase the tape.

But hopefully Chloe had already made a copy. :biggrin:

I was also rooting for Logan to off himself. And I wouldn't have minded if he had done a murder/suicide thing with his wife. They're both so annoying.

Plot spoiler alert - but it's just speculation:

How long will it be until we find out that Kim is being held hostage by PonyBoy, per Henderson's instructions? Next time Jack gets the upper-hand on Henderson is my guess.
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I was rather pissed at the show last night. Lots of stupid things were being done just to keep things in jeopardy.

Agreed. There's always a couple lame episodes like this every season where one has to suspend belief and logic for a while (eh, more than usual). Even with these brief moments when you find yourself saying, "Just f'ing copy the damned recording", it's still the best show on TV.
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the only thing I had a problem with was the plane. the pilot knew they needed 5,000 feet to land at normal conditions, yet with only 4,000 feet under extreme landing conditions they made it with room to spare.
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the only thing I had a problem with was the plane. the pilot knew they needed 5,000 feet to land at normal conditions, yet with only 4,000 feet under extreme landing conditions they made it with room to spare.

I was expecting the wings to hit the sides of the overpass, but I guess they didn't have that in the budget. :wink2:
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I think my perfect ending to the season would be Jack choosing national security over Kim's life. She gets taken hostage, and Jack is supposed to let Henderson go. Jack tells Henderson to go hell, Kim dies, and Henderson gives everybody up. Perfect. Just perfect.
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I was rather pissed at the show last night. Lots of stupid things were being done just to keep things in jeopardy.

I totally agree with this....I was pissed also.

The part about the plane landing was fine, and Novik got to see that Logan definitely had a personal agenda in trying to shoot the plane down.

How many hints does Novik need to understand there is something going on he should know about?

But then Jack comes back into CTU, and I'm saying "Copy that frickin' tape" (like I've been saying for the last 4 weeks) and "Jack, don't leave Chloe's side until the AG has heard the tape", and "don't tell that weasel in the hallway what's going on" - so naturally they let the weasel walk in next to Chloe to erase the tape.

Exactly, after 10 + hours of trying to get this evidence, Jack leaves it for 10 minutes and it is apparently destroyed.....it doesn't make much sense to me.

But hopefully Chloe had already made a copy. :biggrin:

I hope she did also, but from the trailer, it sure didn't look like it.

I was also rooting for Logan to off himself. And I wouldn't have minded if he had done a murder/suicide thing with his wife. They're both so annoying.

I thought it would have been a good twist to have him off her and himself.

Plot spoiler alert - but it's just speculation:

How long will it be until we find out that Kim is being held hostage by PonyBoy, per Henderson's instructions? Next time Jack gets the upper-hand on Henderson is my guess.

I have felt all along that Kim would come back into the picture, but I guess we will have to see.
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I just watched Monday nights show on my lunch break. I was disappointed that Logan didn't off himself. Also, how could anyone trust Miles with any info. That guy is a total douchenozzle.

It looks to me like Jack has decided to go over the president and take down the "4 horsemen". Dr. Romano is completely screwed now that Jack has set his sights on him.
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overall.....a good episode...

I wish Jack would have ripped Miles throat out....:biggrin:

Henderson is not to be trusted.....

Obviously, look for some major twists in the 2 hour season finale next Monday.....

I wonder how they are going to stop Bierko?

I was glad to see Agent Pierce still alive....
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It was pretty obvious what henderson was doing...jack fucked up on that one. i hope the same bullet that goes through logan's head bounces off of something and catches that twat miles. of course, this probably won't happen until next season.
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The First Lady is a cold-blooded killer. And she's a fine shot, considering she was drinking and swallowed a bunch of those pills (tranquilizers?).
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It was pretty obvious what henderson was doing...jack fucked up on that one. i hope the same bullet that goes through logan's head bounces off of something and catches that twat miles. of course, this probably won't happen until next season.

I refuse to beleive Jack could fuck up anything :o)

Chloe "decrypted" the files in about 2 minutes anyway.
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