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I vote for the exchange between Derek and Chloe when Jack is "procuring" the FBI duds:

"Is he gonna be OK?"

"Yeah, he's pretty good at this."


By the way - I was sad to see Palmer die - even though I pretty much saw it coming - his character was a badass. Hell, he's even a badass in those car insurance commercials. Logan is an effing weiner - and so isn't that dude that Chloe was banging.

Yes, that was a great quote, too! I was sad to see both Palmer and Michelle die. I loved those characters. Maybe we'll still have Tony and his pouty looks hanging around CTU when he recovers.
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24 is THE most addictive show on TV. If you watch it on DVD, you know what I mean. You can't stop watching it after just seeing an episode.

I tried to watch the very first episode of 24 when it was originally on and couldn't get into it. I know several people who love it, but I never gave it another chance. I've been told it's better on dvd so you don't have to wait a week between episodes.
I'm hooked on Sopranos right now. Thanks to bittorrent I won't have to worry about not having HBO when the new season starts this spring. If it's anything like lost I'll be able to download it within a day of it being on TV. I'm on disk 1 of season 4 right now so I need the next 3 disks from Netflix, and I've already downloaded season 5.
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