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I am now watching 24 for the first time. I am pretty impressed with it, so far. Would you guys reccomend renting/buying the previous seasons and catching up, or should I pick it up if I start watching from now on?

Yes, rent them and watch them in between the new weekly episodes. I'm already considering renting season 2 to hold me over until Sunday comes around.
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Best quote of the night: "The only reason you're conscious right now is that I don't want to have to carry you."


I vote for the exchange between Derek and Chloe when Jack is "procuring" the FBI duds:

"Is he gonna be OK?"

"Yeah, he's pretty good at this."


By the way - I was sad to see Palmer die - even though I pretty much saw it coming - his character was a badass. Hell, he's even a badass in those car insurance commercials. Logan is an effing weiner - and so isn't that dude that Chloe was banging.
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