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*2024 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

This may be reading too much into the situation, but right now I believe there may be another message in the difficulty Moore has in building a staff.

So far the only rumored hire is Newsome as OL coach. He is a really young and inexperienced coach

Misses are Minter (LA), Herbert (LA), Danny B (LA), Target for DC, Hurtt (to Eagles)

Elston rumored looking at moving with Hairball to LA

Hart and Clinkscale rumored to be looking for other jobs

Campbell and Bellamy not yet confirmed as staying in their positions.

My basis and idle speculation- The coaching staff (and Hurtt) know the extent of the cheating and it is worse then is known to the public. They are all looking for off ramps.
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How the Hell does a national championship season turn into this fiasco? :slappy:

View attachment 39041
In all fairness to reality.... their recruiting wasn't that great even with Herbert there.

I think Scum fans have a tendency to over glorify some people within their program.

Arguably Scum players were strongly developed through strength and conditioning, so he does deserve praise.

The negative impact this has on TCUN outweighs the positive impact it will have in the NFL, where the players have their own contractual responsibility to be in peak condition.

This was an all around F - U to Scum.

I feel absolutely horrible for them. Such a shame.
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"Yeah. Gee. We really rolled like a well-oiled team, but we were tight knit and really relied on each other. So many left with Hairball and I just felt it would be best to move on and expand my career horizons."

"Uh, okay, Mr Stalions."
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This may be reading too much into the situation, but right now I believe there may be another message in the difficulty Moore has in building a staff.

So far the only rumored hire is Newsome as OL coach. He is a really young and inexperienced coach

Misses are Minter (LA), Herbert (LA), Danny B (LA), Target for DC, Hurtt (to Eagles)

Elston rumored looking at moving with Hairball to LA

Hart and Clinkscale rumored to be looking for other jobs

Campbell and Bellamy not yet confirmed as staying in their positions.

My basis and idle speculation- The coaching staff (and Hurtt) know the extent of the cheating and it is worse then is known to the public. They are all looking for off ramps.
Also, their stock is the highest it is going to be right now. Fresh off a natty. If things fall off next season, the we are genius's sell won't be as strong.
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Thanks for the correction

I don’t mind showing my ignorance
You guys already knew I’m usually a step behind the times.
You didn’t learn anything new

I did though

The old allegations (which became level 1with Harbaugh’s lying) are still hanging there

Hey, it's not your fault our rival cheats so much that it's hard to keep track.
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Warde is a dope but you get the same result with Harbaugh this year no matter who the AD was. He's had 1 foot out the door for the last couple of years and someone finally gave him the offer he was waiting for.

How did Harbaugh get fucking everyone up there so under his spell? It's not like he's got some great charismatic qualities or anything like most cult leaders.
IMO it wasn’t hard.

3 years ago, Connor Stalions (and crew) took a few games they probably would’ve otherwise lost. Then 2 years ago they had a pretty good team and again Stalions got them a game or two they should’ve lost. However, this year finally a good team returned and that Connor bump was moot because they were actually an old good team.
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Warde is a dope but you get the same result with Harbaugh this year no matter who the AD was. He's had 1 foot out the door for the last couple of years and someone finally gave him the offer he was waiting for.

How did Harbaugh get fucking everyone up there so under his spell? It's not like he's got some great charismatic qualities or anything like most cult leaders.
This is who that fan base has been tho. Do you not remember how fuckin hype they were for RichRod? He brought a S&C coach that ran a program from this century and they were acting like it was going to single handedly win several games a year for them. They've been trying to coronate every coach since Llllloyd.
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Warde is a dope but you get the same result with Harbaugh this year no matter who the AD was. He's had 1 foot out the door for the last couple of years and someone finally gave him the offer he was waiting for.

How did Harbaugh get fucking everyone up there so under his spell? It's not like he's got some great charismatic qualities or anything like most cult leaders.
He's a weird fellow but he's a great football coach, I think that's why people follow him.
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