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*2024 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

How the Hell does a national championship season turn into this fiasco? :slappy:

View attachment 39041

If your only focus is maintaining current players then your outlook for the future probably is not very good. You cannot sit around and wait when it comes to the recruiting trail at all in todays game or you fall way behind.
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The NOA they received earlier this month wasn't for the "cheating" scandal. It was the official NOA for the "Burgergate" recruiting violations that they got a draft proposal for in August and TCUN self imposed the 3 game suspension at the beginning of the season trying to appease the NCAA. We're still waiting to see what the NCAA will do with the "signgate" issues.
Thanks for the correction

I don’t mind showing my ignorance
You guys already knew I’m usually a step behind the times.
You didn’t learn anything new

I did though

The old allegations (which became level 1with Harbaugh’s lying) are still hanging there
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The propaganda is astounding. They are blaming everyone but these coaches themselves for leaving. Well mostly it's all Warde's fault.

"those who stay" only stay until better opportunity comes about

Dear leader hung them out to dry and took anyone worth taking with him and all the scUM media flunkies are covering for him.

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I think it’s bad either way that we have to say “oh that’s the other NOA”.
I screamed to no one (and annoyed everyone here) that TCUN should have had their season ended last October. I still fully believe that.
All those 44 seniors don’t care anymore, their entire staff is gone, and more will probably leave TCUN too before they get punished.
It sucks they have the YouTube clips and the memories but this will almost do if they’re literally not competitive for the foreseeable future.
I hope the 4-6 good players they have leave to ensure the complete dismantling of their program. Then I hope it’s all vacated forfeited and taken away with the bowl bans etc
FIFY. Other than that one word which you obviously misspoke, excellent post.
Oh, and scholarship reductions and limits on recruiting. Those also need to be addressed.
Then disband it, raze it, plow it, and salt it.
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Warde is a dope but you get the same result with Harbaugh this year no matter who the AD was. He's had 1 foot out the door for the last couple of years and someone finally gave him the offer he was waiting for.

How did Harbaugh get fucking everyone up there so under his spell? It's not like he's got some great charismatic qualities or anything like most cult leaders.
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Thanks for the correction

I don’t mind showing my ignorance
You guys already knew I’m usually a step behind the times.
You didn’t learn anything new

I did though

The old allegations (which became level 1with Harbaugh’s lying) are still hanging there
Yep. Waiting on UM's response to the "Burgergate" NOA and then waiting to see what the NCAA will hit them with over the cheating allegations. I've seen it sad the that the NCAA could classify TCUN as a Repeat Offender because of the two investigations. "If" they did, that would probably nuke their program even without Harbaugh there. The question is, will go easy on them now that Hairball is gone to the NFL.
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Warde is a dope but you get the same result with Harbaugh this year no matter who the AD was. He's had 1 foot out the door for the last couple of years and someone finally gave him the offer he was waiting for.

How did Harbaugh get fucking everyone up there so under his spell? It's not like he's got some great charismatic qualities or anything like most cult leaders.
It's cute they are blaming Warde for Harbaugh's actions instead of you know Harbaugh
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It's cute they are blaming Warde for Harbaugh's actions instead of you know Harbaugh

It's not just that Harbaugh left, how he's left is pretty much setting the next coach up for failure. Raiding all the good coaches from the staff and leaving him to pick up the scraps while still under multiple NCAA investigations. Not to mention a roster thats going to just keep dropping off in the next couple years.

I thought they'd turn on him but with how things look now thats never gonna happen. It'll always be someone elses fault. Simple Jim just wanted to be appreciated.
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