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*2024 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

Every time they lose this year, which could be about half their games, it is going to be more and more clear that the past three years they had to cheat to win.

Even if and when they win it's still going to be clear.

They looked very below average for a supposed upper P4 team even against Arkansas State and Fresno State. Fresno State's QB basically spotted them 14 points that game was a lot closer than the score indicated.
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tcun twitter is a thing to behold. All the angst from the last two weeks is gone, and most of them think they're going to roll USC.

Only DFBIA could look at this team after their first 3 games and say "Oh yea we are definitely going to go out and roll a top 10 team!".

Still wouldn't put it past USC to screw the pooch and make the game way closer than it should be, but even then I think scUM still loses in the end
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Jumping back to the Klatt thing real quick, we know, for 100% certain, that the tip TCU got was that you can mess with UM by using fake signals because they’re cheating mfers.


I think a big problem some in the media are having, and especially the ministry of propaganda covering UM closely, is that they haven’t figured out or purposefully ignore that the cheating mfers are, shockingly, also blatant and habitual liars, so just blindly reporting what you hear from your really good “source” at UM is at best coming from a known cheater and, at worst, delusional conspiratorial nonsense.

A good example being other teams (especially Ohio State) were doing the exact same cheating we were, which confusingly, is horrible cheating by them and also simultaneously not cheating somehow when we did it.

Repeating their nonsense makes you look like a complete jackass because the source you’re hearing it from is a complete jackass.
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Jumping back to the Klatt thing real quick, we know, for 100% certain, that the tip TCU got was that you can mess with UM by using fake signals because they’re cheating mfers.


I think a big problem some in the media are having, and especially the ministry of propaganda covering UM closely, is that they haven’t figured out or purposefully ignore that the cheating mfers are, shockingly, also blatant and habitual liars, so just blindly reporting what you hear from your really good “source” at UM is at best coming from a known cheater and, at worst, delusional conspiratorial nonsense.

A good example being other teams (especially Ohio State) were doing the exact same cheating we were, which confusingly, is horrible cheating by them and also simultaneously not cheating somehow when we did it.

Repeating their nonsense makes you look like a complete jackass because the source you’re hearing it from is a complete jackass.
If Klatt is worried about the blow back from TCUN connected people then just say you’re withholding judgment until the full report is out. To come out and take his position is foolish.
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If Klatt is worried about the blow back from TCUN connected people then just say you’re withholding judgment until the full report is out. To come out and take his position is foolish.
A lot of people also hate Ohio State (like everyone generally hates the Yankees, Alabama, and previously Brady's Patriots when they were good) so the national media types may relish knowing that the underdog, white collar program got one over on the redneck juggernaut rivals they jointly hate. I assume there are plenty of backroom deals and favors exchanged for much of the bullshit national media fluffing of *ichigan. But I have faith/hope that the world will right itself and the CheatersUpNorthTeam and their current allies in the media will be greatly embarrassed and deeply humiliated in due time. Basically just as Ohio State is destroying the first real college playoff, which is nice.
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Let their voices dig a deep hole on the 50 yard line of that stadium. Then, bury in it their claims to be an elite team again. Do something historic.

I don't care what the score is. Just never take your foot off the pedal. Let them own their shame.
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Almost all figures from the major networks have handled this poorly and are taking the "nothing to see here stance". They definitely got orders from the top not to talk about it and to only give positive light to Michigan. Nobody wants to admit that the sport was completely compromised for the last 3 seasons.

But Klatt takes the Michigan fluffing trying to paint them as the true victim to the highest heights.
So where were these people stifling cheating in the media reports when goods were exchanged for services when JT was coach? (*cricket cricket cricket*) Apparently media induced witch hunts are a very nuanced area that I am not privy to.
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I was thinking the RA was brought up to show that they all used the same one. Circumstantial evidence but human nature is to find what works and keep doing it the same way. Separate business enterprises that aren't part of a cohesive scheme wouldn't likely all register in Wyoming with the same RA around the same time. They needed the business registrations probably to open bank accounts, they just fucked up putting their names on public filings.
Well there are only two RA options I am aware of in Wyoming, so the same ones get used a lot. There are legitimate reasons to file in Wyoming (first state that allowed LLCs by statute, developed case law, etc.), but also very dishonest reasons for doing so as is likely the case here. I tend to root those out when a client is clearly trying to evade creditors/justice versus simply wanting anonymity or more established LLC law. Delaware is used often because of their robust corporate codes and established case law, Wyoming to a much more minor extent has the same attraction for business owners but with more anonymity than Delaware provides.

But yes on the last part, they fucked up by putting their names on the filings...might as well filed in *ichigan if you list your names anyways. Fucking idiots and if there is not serious digging into that LLC, then it is purposeful ignorance.
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So where were these people stifling cheating in the media reports when goods were exchanged for services when JT was coach? (*cricket cricket cricket*) Apparently media induced witch hunts are a very nuanced area that I am not privy to.
And where’s the common sense for the TCUN fans who insist they’re getting nothing out of this when we got vacated wins, lost scholarships, and a bowl ban because 5 players got tattoos for their merch?

I’m convinced they know it’s coming but they just don’t have the stomach to look at reality.
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Well there are only two RA options I am aware of in Wyoming, so the same ones get used a lot. There are legitimate reasons to file in Wyoming (first state that allowed LLCs by statute, developed case law, etc.), but also very dishonest reasons for doing so as is likely the case here. I tend to root those out when a client is clearly trying to evade creditors/justice versus simply wanting anonymity or more established LLC law. Delaware is used often because of their robust corporate codes and established case law, Wyoming to a much more minor extent has the same attraction for business owners but with more anonymity than Delaware provides.

But yes on the last part, they fucked up by putting their names on the filings...might as well filed in *ichigan if you list your names anyways. Fucking idiots and if there is not serious digging into that LLC, then it is purposeful ignorance.
I don’t think anyone is shocked at how stupid they are considering what they were caught doing. My guess is Blake Corum let Stalions handle the LLC set up etc because this kind of error seems like something Stalions would do.

Btw, as someone in financial crimes if I see a filing in Delaware, Wyoming, and other regions known for tax havens (Caymans etc) that’s a pretty good red flag. Sucks for people doing it the right way but there’s a lot of nefarious activity by many people out of those areas.
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And where’s the common sense for the TCUN fans who insist they’re getting nothing out of this when we got vacated wins, lost scholarships, and a bowl ban because 5 players got tattoos for their merch?

I’m convinced they know it’s coming but they just don’t have the stomach to look at reality.
As my grandma used to say, there is no fixing stupid. RIP to grandma, she used to have a Buckeye schedule on her fridge that we printed out for her and she never missed a game.
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