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I think you're living in a fantasy world if you think their title is going to be stripped. They might strip their B1G titles, but I'd be shocked. The last team to actually get hit by the NCAA was us. We gave up a title shot because we cheated, Michigan won a title because they cheated. That's the difference in the two programs as far as I'm concerned.
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I think you're living in a fantasy world if you think their title is going to be stripped. They might strip their B1G titles, but I'd be shocked. The last team to actually get hit by the NCAA was us. We gave up a title shot because we cheated, Michigan won a title because they cheated. That's the difference in the two programs as far as I'm concerned.
This is a big reason why i addressed my long post to Buckeye fans, exhorting them to continue to educate the younger generations in years to come. The world will turn a blind eye, but that doesn’t change the facts. They will call the title legitimate. Whatever. Declared legitimate with the last breath of a dying organization and actual legitimacy are vastly different things.
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Like @ORD_Buckeye has said in the past, I think the only way that they could have been killed off would have been in criminal court under some gambling/game fixing statutes. Then we would have had depositions under oath and gotten to the whole truth. As it stands, get ready for a disappointment as the crimes are swept under the rug to spare the institution embarrassment.
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I think you're living in a fantasy world if you think their title is going to be stripped. They might strip their B1G titles, but I'd be shocked. The last team to actually get hit by the NCAA was us. We gave up a title shot because we cheated, Michigan won a title because they cheated. That's the difference in the two programs as far as I'm concerned.
They took USCs title because Reggie Bush got a free house for rent.

They absolutely can take it.

They can’t just strip them of one but not the other. Makes no sense if they vacate their wins and take their big ten titles but then allow them to have the championship trophy. Because after all you can’t get to the playoffs as a 0-12 team.

So it’s either all or nothing and considering the scope of what they did as well as the noncompliance, the bravado, and the rats jumping the ship? They’ll get hit.

Since I don’t think they can spare one but not the other (championships) I think they’ll take it all.
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They took USCs title because Reggie Bush got a free house for rent.

They absolutely can take it.

They can’t just strip them of one but not the other. Makes no sense if they vacate their wins and take their big ten titles but then allow them to have the championship trophy. Because after all you can’t get to the playoffs as a 0-12 team.

So it’s either all or nothing and considering the scope of what they did as well as the noncompliance, the bravado, and the rats jumping the ship? They’ll get hit.

Since I don’t think they can spare one but not the other (championships) I think they’ll take it all.
Problem is, the NCAA doesn't control the CFP and can't strip them of the title. The Playoff Committee would have to do it. The NCAA could possibly refuse to recognize it but that's about it.
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Problem is, the NCAA doesn't control the CFP and can't strip them of the title. The Playoff Committee would have to do it. The NCAA could possibly refuse to recognize it but that's about it.
The distinction is important. If the NCAA/B1G does make them forfeit or vacate wins/titles, then there is a point where the CFP (don't forget Manuel's position) could be forced to pull it as well. Quite frankly, we live in an era of such toxicity and poor ethics. I don't have any idea what these people will do.
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Problem is, the NCAA doesn't control the CFP and can't strip them of the title. The Playoff Committee would have to do it. The NCAA could possibly refuse to recognize it but that's about it.
Oh yeah for sure I know that. I just think if the NCAA/BIG basically say it was illegitimate then the CFP will follow suite as well.

The distinction is important. If the NCAA/B1G does make them forfeit or vacate wins/titles, then there is a point where the CFP (don't forget Manuel's position) could be forced to pull it as well. Quite frankly, we live in an era of such toxicity and poor ethics. I don't have any idea what these people will do.
totally agreed. I think they have to be punished and considering what they did you’d think there has to be weight of some kind. However part of me is terrified that they’ll get something stupid like an extension of probation, a few more scholarships, and some kind of enhanced monitoring.

There is zero way the penalty should be anything less than forfeiting all their games though. The B1G raced ahead of all of this to say that they gained a competitive advantage. If that’s the case I don’t know how they keep these wins
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