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*2024 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

It has been reported that the Xichigan football program cheats. Can anyone verify this for me?
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… I think that just about covers it
This may get repetitive, so for those of you who check in every day and haven’t already put me on “ignore”, I apologize


It is really important to me that (at least) all Buckeye fans understand the implications of the recent posts I’ve made; so I’m going to keep repeating this periodically until the season is underway

Sure , the video evidence of the cheating was more than sufficient. Yes, common sense tells us the cheating just moved to the press box

But all Buckeye fans should know that there is objective evidence (see esp. post 1852) that the cheating continued after they were caught. There is objective, competition-level corrected evidence that their championship is 100% fraudulent. There is no reason at all to concede one millimeter on this point.

They cheated on the field and were dominant

They got caught

They moved it to the press box and the added latency hurt them a little outside of the red zone, but turned them into an utterly mediocre defense in the red zone.

But they were still cheating

They’ll tell you that you only think so because you’re trying to cope

who cares what they think

Make sure every Buckeye fan knows

It’s not just our bias that makes us see it that way

There is proof. Multiple layers of numerical proof that does not care about my bias. Multiple layers of proof that is 100% consistent with the cheating having been moved to the press box

Did we need the proof?

Of course not

But future generations will need it

They need to know

It should be remembered for as long as football is played that the early 2020s wolverines were fraudulent cheating frauds who cheated, AND that their fraudulent championship is fake and fraudulent
I apologize
No need.

so I’m going to keep repeating this periodically until the season is underway
Yes, common sense tells us the cheating just moved to the press box
There is no reason at all to concede one millimeter on this point.
They cheated on the field and were dominant
They got caught
But they were still cheating
There is proof.
Did we need the proof?
Of course not
But future generations will need it
They need to know
So now that we have our mission statement, what's next? Go door to door like Jehovah's Witnesses? Stand on street corners on a soap box with shabby clothes and a sign made of cardboard? Auction off tattoos that say, "DBB for President?"
Can we Occupy NCAA Headquarters? What are our demands, outside of their forfeiting of all those games, plus public humiliation of everyone in that state, and naked pictures of Bea Arthur?

No need.

So now that we have our mission statement, what's next? Go door to door like Jehovah's Witnesses? Stand on street corners on a soap box with shabby clothes and a sign made of cardboard? Auction off tattoos that say, "DBB for President?"
Can we Occupy NCAA Headquarters? What are our demands, outside of their forfeiting of all those games, plus public humiliation of everyone in that state, and naked pictures of Bea Arthur?

View attachment 41182
Forfeits, plus naked pictures of Bea Arthur?

I can only dream.
Upvote 0
No need.

So now that we have our mission statement, what's next? Go door to door like Jehovah's Witnesses? Stand on street corners on a soap box with shabby clothes and a sign made of cardboard? Auction off tattoos that say, "DBB for President?"
Can we Occupy NCAA Headquarters? What are our demands, outside of their forfeiting of all those games, plus public humiliation of everyone in that state, and naked pictures of Bea Arthur?

View attachment 41182
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… I think that just about covers it
So, to be clear, you're saying that the rumors are true?
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Whenever OSU loses a recruiting battle, the refrain is such and such commits to such and such. When Scum loses a recruiting battle, their press say's something to the effect of the recruit spurns Xichigan and OSU for enter here (elite program).

That my friends is the difference.
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This may get repetitive, so for those of you who check in every day and haven’t already put me on “ignore”, I apologize


It is really important to me that (at least) all Buckeye fans understand the implications of the recent posts I’ve made; so I’m going to keep repeating this periodically until the season is underway

Sure , the video evidence of the cheating was more than sufficient. Yes, common sense tells us the cheating just moved to the press box

But all Buckeye fans should know that there is objective evidence (see esp. post 1852) that the cheating continued after they were caught. There is objective, competition-level corrected evidence that their championship is 100% fraudulent. There is no reason at all to concede one millimeter on this point.

They cheated on the field and were dominant

They got caught

They moved it to the press box and the added latency hurt them a little outside of the red zone, but turned them into an utterly mediocre defense in the red zone.

But they were still cheating

They’ll tell you that you only think so because you’re trying to cope

who cares what they think

Make sure every Buckeye fan knows

It’s not just our bias that makes us see it that way

There is proof. Multiple layers of numerical proof that does not care about my bias. Multiple layers of proof that is 100% consistent with the cheating having been moved to the press box

Did we need the proof?

Of course not

But future generations will need it

They need to know

It should be remembered for as long as football is played that the early 2020s wolverines were fraudulent cheating frauds who cheated, AND that their fraudulent championship is fake and fraudulent
Exactly why everything the last 3 seasons should be stripped and given the evidence I think it will be. My only regret is they’ll have video to relive everything they took from the rest of college football.

That’s why I screamed their season should’ve been ended. It sucks it really does. I knew instinctually somehow that they would win it all. I knew Penn State wasn’t a good enough team regardless and I knew we had big flaws and were playing up North. The harbaugh suspension did nothing but give them the final chip on the shoulder they needed.

You just had to look around CFP last year to know there truly wasn’t 1 dominant team.

Thats why they should have the last 3 years taken and IMO should have the next 3 years taken as well with bowl bans and scholarship reductions.

Some teams have bought talent (SMU etc) but no one has ever put their thumb on the competitive scale. I think this is the largest cheating scandal in sports history and it should be treated as much.
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