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2023 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

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The punishment seems a lot like a way to let the year play out without harbaugh further embarrassing the B1G on live TV as ratings soar by either/all of being an insufferable bitch, getting into an argument with another coach postgame, or eating more burgers.
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Anyone who thinks tsun is getting off light on this should read the above quoted.

The NCAA is telling the B1G "we have them dead to rights. We just want to make sure we get them all when we drop the hammer"

Add this to the unprecedented steps they have taken so far in the COVID recruiting scandal "It's NOT just a cheeseburger" and rejecting tsun's self imposed 3 game suspension and one just has to come to the conclusion that tsun is going to get shit hammered.

I'm biased as hell but there really isn't any other way to read this. The B1G's suspension of Harbaugh is just red meat to keep the other 13 happy...for now.

Much more is coming. I'd bet anything on it.

That’s totally how I am reading all of this. For the B1G to go as far as they have is already unprecedented. Considering that they exist for the preservation and advancement of the conference, to take any kind of punitive stance against one of their (note, I cannot bring myself to say ‘our own’) own, is — even if only symbolically — a pretty big deal.

They had to do something. The other 13 institutions are demanding action… and candidly, the fact that we’re not seeing any blowback from the ACC and SEC over some of the advanced scouting they were doing is fucking amazing to me. If if I were the ACC and SEC, I’d be using this to rub the B1G’s nose in this fucking pile of shit that those fuckers created.

Anyhow, the symbolic move of this action in combination with how the response has been written, the writing is on the wall that the expectation is that this will be addressed in due time. For now, this is what we can realistically do.

The B1G has been embarrassed by all of this. That program has embarrassed themselves within the member institutions and, sadly perhaps even more outside the conference with the advanced scouting of the ACC and SEC. Had it been only within the conference, a circle the wagons ‘we’ll address this among ourselves’ strategy likely would have been the path forward. The fact that it extended to other conferences AND was surfaced to the NCAA first puts all this dirty laundry out there for the world to see. *ichigan, you shit your own pants in front of everyone, you can’t be pissed that someone is calling attention to it.
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Have we ever made Message Board Geniuses?

I think MBG quality posts here generally include too many in-jokes to be decipherable to outsiders.

Frankly we should have trended on multiple occasions with, ‘Has a team ever won a game only kicking field goals?’ jokes.

We were making memes out of our own board geniuses 19 years ago.
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I want to add this piece of Petitti’s letter, which discusses the NCAA evidence, into the thread for the record.

“C. The NCAA Shares with the Conference the Master Spreadsheet Detailing the Extensive In-Person Sign-Stealing Activities
Also on October 19, pursuant to my request to see first-hand the credible evidence in the NCAA’s possession, another senior-level Conference staff member and I participated in a videoconference with the NCAA. During that videoconference, the NCAA presented and discussed what it called a “master spreadsheet” that the NCAA had received during its investigation (the “Master Spreadsheet”). It included a very large amount of detailed information regarding the impermissible scheme, including, without limitation:
• a large and detailed chart listing the names of various individuals assigned to attend past and future football games involving the University’s scheduled football opponents;
• similar in-person attendance assignments for past and future games involving highly- ranked, non-Conference football opponents (presumably potential University football opponents in post-season games);
• notations showing whether in-person attendance at non-Conference games would be necessary depending on different win/loss scenarios;
• the 2023 game schedules of the University’s scheduled football opponents;
• color-coding to reflect past games actually attended by assigned individuals and
future games for which individual assignments were still needed;
• the names of individuals assigned to certain cities and locations; and
• monetary amounts associated with certain assigned games.
A separate worksheet within that Master Spreadsheet showed narrative translations of signs and signals that corresponded to specific team formations and plays. The name of the University staff member alleged to have orchestrated the scheme was prevalent in the Master Spreadsheet.”
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