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2023 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

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Another funny scenario:

What does Coach Harbaugh used the weekends over the next few weeks to quietly fly around the country an interview for NFL jobs?

Lemons into Lemonade sorta thing
He’s going to jump at an NFL job this time…and DFBIA will scream from the mountaintops that the evil B1G and NCAA took their savior away from now until eternity
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“And I tell you what, Greeny, and Paul (Finebaum) knows this too; this would never happen in the SEC,” Howard continued. “The SEC Commissioner would never, ever let Vanderbilt and Kentucky and all these other universities say, ‘Hey, you need to punish Nick Saban and Alabama right now. We know they’re on a quest to win the national championship but to hell with that. You need to punish them right now.’ He would kick them out of his office. That would never happen. It’s just a lot of money at stake too, Greeny, you got to understand that. It’s like $6 million per team.”

I like how puts Scum in the same esteem as Alabama.

First of all this type of thing hasn't happened before to this extent. How would he know how they react. SEC schools blow everything up. If anything, they would shit on due process.
In this scenario Ohio state is Bama scum is fucking tennesee

I know I'm 7 pages behind, and maybe this was already posted. (Sorry)
But why are we looking at how the SEC runs things? I thought that we (the Big Ten) have always said how we're better than the SEC and want to do things "right". If I want to run things the way SEC would run things, we should just become SEC lite. We're the Big Ten. Do things the Big Ten way.
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