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2023 tCun Shenanigans, Arguments, Cobras, Feckless Marmots, Fake Pandas, Dirty Cheaters

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So from that MgoBlow post…

1 - "Likelihood of success on the merits." UM must show that it is LIKELY to win its claim in its Complaint. The court will take evidence (declarations) and sometimes live testimony at a hearing. Legal arguments will include: did the B1G breach a contract (e.g. its own rules) or violate a federal or state law (ehhh probably none applicable) in its actions.

2. "Irreparable harm." UM must show that, absent getting emergency relief, it will suffer harm for which it is not able to be compensated with money damages. That doesn't mean you can't take money for it; it means it would be extremely difficult to compensate the harm with a money award, in part b/c there is no good way to calculate the impact. I think losing your HC when you are competing for a national championship and need to play the #11 and #1 teams in three weeks (plus November Maryland) is, sort of by definition, irreparable harm. And there is also the reputational harm. (I assume Jim will be a named plaintiff so he can assert his own interest in its reputation, on top of UM's reputation.)

3. "Balance of Interests." The court must weight the harm to UM (if there is no injunction) versus the harm to the defendants (if there is an injunction). I think this squarely goes to UM. There is no continuing sign-stealing; we all know about this. If PSU, UM(NTUM) or OSU are too stupid not to change their damn signs by now, that's on them, not us. Besides, is there any evidence Wyld Stalion wen to Lion/Terp/Buck games this year?

Apparently this lawyer thinks all three goes heavily in Michigfans favor. That’s ridiculous.

1. Big Ten isn’t about to be so stupid as to not follow their own rules.

2. Yes there will be harm to Michigan

3. However the harm is not as great as it is toward the other 13 schools.

So in other words 2/3 cancel each other out which leaves did the big ten follow the rules. Just don’t fuck it up Petitie and there’s nothing they can do.

Btw I love how this lawyer says “well we aren’t cheating anymore so there’s really no harm for them”. Wtf is that lol
And #2 is not irreparable harm. Yes, there will be harm, but it will be the same kind that many other schools (including their own basketball, hockey and baseball programs) have endured. It harms for awhile, and then they rebuild. The only real case of the ncaa handing out irreparable harm was SMU's death penalty.
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I'm drawing on the double reverse negative anti-karma here...

And 25+ years of working in and around the Federal bureaucracy. If it were as open and shut (it never was) as we thought, it would be easy. The Big Ten bitching out (because that's what it is) is just like someone not wanting to make a decision and booting it "upstairs" to their supervisor.

In my view it was far easier for the NCAA to give some desultory "punishment" while the money flows in than to take any actual stand.

Maybe they prove me right, maybe they prove me wrong. I hope I'm wrong, but life experience tells me otherwise. And yeah, it's cynical. So what, it's a cynical world we live in.
I think TCUN really wanted to sleep walk this into that type of scenario, but every pissed off team in the Big 10 is making it extremely difficult for this to just lull itself to death.

I really don't see this as the same as the cheeseburger thing, because that wasn't really a big deal, whereas, this is huge, and much bigger than Scum even wants to believe. I think they just arrogantly thought they were being cute.

I could be wrong, but this is more of a big deal than can be lost in a bureaucratic malaise. Actually the best thing that can happen would be for the TCUN to lose in the regular season, and maybe in post. That may make it lull itself to sleep.
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The funniest part here is that DFBIA seems to think them "taking this to court" ASSURES VICTORY. They can't even comprehend that they could lose badly and make this even worse than it already is.
Which is particularly funny considering they have no idea what the actual evidence is but just the stuff that was uncovered by the public through internet sleuthing is highly damning by itself.
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And #2 is not irreparable harm. Yes, there will be harm, but it will be the same kind that many other schools (including their own basketball, hockey and baseball programs) have endured. It harms for awhile, and then they rebuild. The only real case of the ncaa handing out irreparable harm was SMU's death penalty.
The harm is the fucking point; it’s the punishment for cheating.
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Which is particularly funny considering they have no idea what the actual evidence is but just the stuff that was uncovered by the public through internet sleuthing is highly damning by itself.

Yea if internet bozos can uncover this stuff, do you really want actual investigators being allowed to really dig deep if you decide to open up discovery by taking all of this to court?

A normal person would say no, but arrogance and ignorance run deep up there.
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I’m wondering if scUM loses to PSU this weekend maybe it will give Petitti a bit of a leg for repercussions/suspensions. Petitti is smart and savvy. Attended Harvard law but also has a career as the head of sports tv, so he understands the impact of ratings. Coming from CBS sports and the MLB network, he doesn’t want to damage his product and essentially make scUM unwatchable (because who’s watching if they are banned from post season play?). That said, if PSU can mount a victory it takes a lot of pressure off Petitti “damaging” scUMs viewership and can treat them as a non-CFP contender that broke major rules.
Meh. If they're banned from the post-season today, the PSU and Ohio State games will still be HUGE. People will tune in just to see if they get exposed by not being able to win without cheating. As for the BTCG and CFP, Ohio State and ped state will turn on just as many televisions as tsun would. I think Petitti's only play in keeping them eligible for the post season is the desire to get two teams in again, but given the logjam of 7-8 contenders right now, I think that's a long shot. If Texas runs the table, they are 100% going to be first choice as a one-loss team.
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I've got a lot more confidence in Penn State on Saturday after their performance against Maryland and seeing scUM look more pedestrian against a awful Purdue team. I know they still won 41-13, but a lot of that was on big plays more due to Purdue being a terrible team than Michigan executing like a elite team. Best one that comes to mind is them initially leaving Donovan Edwards UNCOVERED out wide, then at the last second trying to rush a slow ass LBer out there to cover him :lol:
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I think TCUN really wanted to sleep walk this into that type of scenario, but every pissed off team in the Big 10 is making it extremely difficult for this to just lull itself to death.

I really don't see this as the same as the cheeseburger thing, because that wasn't really a big deal, whereas, this is huge, and much bigger than Scum even wants to believe. I think they just arrogantly thought they were being cute.

I could be wrong, but this is more of a big deal than can be lost in a bureaucratic malaise. Actually the best thing that can happen would be for the TCUN to lose in the regular season, and maybe in post. That may make it lull itself to sleep.
The cheeseburger thing was minor. It was the equivalent of us giving Damon Flint the gym bag. Violating the COVID restrictions was much bigger. This is huge, like generationally huge as it cut right to the integrity of the on-field product. If it was just a cheeseburger, Simple Jim should have gotten a slap on the wrist, though he made it worse by lying and not cooperating. Add the COVID issue, and we're talking Failure To Monitor (big) if the AD and Ono cooperate. All three together--and particularly in light of Ono going full-SEC--and that program should be wrecked: LOIC, three years of forfeits, post-season bans and scholarship reductions plus long show-causes for Simple Jim and his coordinators.
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The cheeseburger thing was minor. It was the equivalent of us giving Damon Flint the gym bag. Violating the COVID restrictions was much bigger. This is huge, like generationally huge as it cut right to the integrity of the on-field product. If it was just a cheeseburger, Simple Jim should have gotten a slap on the wrist, though he made it worse by lying and not cooperating. Add the COVID issue, and we're talking Failure To Monitor (big) if the AD and Ono cooperate. All three together--and particularly in light of Ono going full-SEC--and that program should be wrecked: LOIC, three years of forfeits, post-season bans and scholarship reductions plus long show-causes for Simple Jim and his coordinators.

Simple Jim lying and stonewalling that investigation has to make the NCAA not want to believe a word that comes out of his mouth on this one. The arrogance and "above the law" type attitude coming out of scUM is really going to bite them in the ass here.
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Simple Jim lying and stonewalling that investigation has to make the NCAA not want to believe a word that comes out of his mouth on this one. The arrogance and "above the law" type attitude coming out of scUM is really going to bite them in the ass here.
And now you have the President making some not so veiled threats about lawyering up against the conference. It's all or nothing now. Either they get away with it (because I think their arrogance and pristine self-image is such that they won't accept even minor penalties) or they get nuked. That's what Ono has created. I don't even blame Simple Jim because this is so in character with everything he's been his entire career. It was Ono who needed to step up and show leadership, and he's clearly gone all-in on hitching himself to the foosball to boost his popularity and brand.
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