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2022 ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, Surrender Cobras, and Feckless Marmots

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I’m curious what the cost/benefit analysis on this looked like for them.

Benefit: show you support black athletes (?).

Joke benefit: much needed insight into not playing in the NFL for their players.

Cost: a firestorm of non-football related attention.
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I’m curious what the cost/benefit analysis on this looked like for them.

Benefit: show you support black athletes (?).

Joke benefit: much needed insight into not playing in the NFL for their players.

Cost: a firestorm of non-football related attention.

:lol: The comment section is pure Michigan Twitter.

i No LoNgEr SuPpOrT hArBaUgH aS a CoAcH :slappy:
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As someone who has always supported Kaepernick, I can still say this is stupid. Why turn the spring game into a divisive political shitfest?
I’m kinda hoping Kaepernick was the only NFL guy Harbaugh was formerly associated with who said “yes” and Harbaugh was blissfully ignorant about the shitstorm that would come with it.
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