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2022 NCAA Tournament, Brackets and games

Hmmm, hard to pick who to hate here, School A: rich white boy school cheering on the help or School B: class that only jocks could get into, papers written by tutors, everyone gets an A, and the NCAA doesn't see any tattoos so it's cool.

In the end, UNC seemed to me to be much better than the school indicated.
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So, I must be the only person on the board who isn't overjoyed with the Duke loss.

That said, 'Heels and Kansas should be a great final game. Congratulations to both programs, and especially congratulations to Coach Hubert Davis, whom many people did not believe was the best candidate to replace Roy Williams. Kudos.
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Villanova has been on fire in the second half and still been outscored in the 2nd half by a point. Also, kudos to the refs for not controlling this game. Not many fouls or bad calls so far.
I thought the Kansas-Villanova game was the best-refereed game I’ve seen this year. They didn’t call very many fouls, they hardly stopped the play to review anything, and they got every close block/charge call correct. Their effort won’t get much attention because the game wasn’t close, but I hope that whole crew does the final on Monday.

4 out of 5 of those calls were a block, and they only called one charge, where the guy actually had both feet set before the offensive player took his last step. Whenever they have any doubt at all, refs should call the block, it reduces the flops and improves the flow of the game.
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