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2022 NCAA Tournament, Brackets and games

What the hell is a foul anymore. Villanova guy initiates contact and KU guy is straight up and gets whistled. Go down to the other end and KU player gets hacked by 3 guys and no call. College basketball at its finest.
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What is a foul? Hell’s bells and little catnips, what is a walk!!! This looks like the triple jump plus four steps and these guys still can’t smell one hundred. Sorry “modern” excuse for bounceball.
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This is a really silly question but does anybody have any idea why most of the coaches are “dressed down” during the tournament?

Not that it really matters but I’m used to seeing guys like Coach K and Bill Self in full suit on the sidelines
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This is a really silly question but does anybody have any idea why most of the coaches are “dressed down” during the tournament?

Not that it really matters but I’m used to seeing guys like Coach K and Bill Self in full suit on the sidelines

My guess is wearing gear that can be sold to fans brings compensation. We see it in the NFL every Sunday. Gone are the suit & tie days of Tom Landry.
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