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2022 NCAA Tournament, Brackets and games

So after all that…it’s Duke, North Carolina, Villanova, and Kansas…parity indeed :lol:

Another example of why I will go to my grave insisting that the first two days of this tournament, the real first two rather than the "first four" bullshit, are the best days.

Eventually, we get back to the same old shit - the lesser of two evils. Where's the fun in that?
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I'd say the odds of Holloway staying at St Peters are slim and none.

Apparently the odds are now just "none":

Seton Hall is expected to finalize a deal with Saint Peter's Shaheen Holloway as its head men's basketball coach, according to Jerry Carino, who reported the news Sunday evening moments after the Peacocks' Cinderella run in the NCAA Tournament came to an end in the Elite Eight against North Carolina. Holloway, 45, was a star point guard for the Pirates (1996-00) and most recently an assistant coach (2010-18) with the program under former head coach Kevin Willard. Maryland hired Willard (2010-22) away from SHU March 21.

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Apparently the odds are now just "none":

Seton Hall is expected to finalize a deal with Saint Peter's Shaheen Holloway as its head men's basketball coach, according to Jerry Carino, who reported the news Sunday evening moments after the Peacocks' Cinderella run in the NCAA Tournament came to an end in the Elite Eight against North Carolina. Holloway, 45, was a star point guard for the Pirates (1996-00) and most recently an assistant coach (2010-18) with the program under former head coach Kevin Willard. Maryland hired Willard (2010-22) away from SHU March 21.

He's moving about 12 miles.

Good that he gets to coach his alma mater.
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Going to sneak a women’s tourney comment in here.

Paige Bueckers is a lil hooper. Score 8 straight in OT. Cold blooded from mid range.

double OT now. She hasn’t missed. 15 points in 6.5 minutes.

Minnesota girl does everything possible to get UConn to Minneapolis. Looked like they were on the ropes but they survive to their 14th straight Final Four. Their downfall will have to wait another year…
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Going to sneak a women’s tourney comment in here.

Paige Bueckers is a lil hooper. Score 8 straight in OT. Cold blooded from mid range.

double OT now. She hasn’t missed. 15 points in 6.5 minutes.

Minnesota girl does everything possible to get UConn to Minneapolis. Looked like they were on the ropes but they survive to their 14th straight Final Four. Their downfall will have to wait another year…
Did you get to watch her before this game? Before she got hurt this season she was legitimately Top 3 women I've ever watched play basketball. If it were baseball she'd be a 5 tool player and she's young. Last season the shots and plays she was making I just couldn't look away. Amazing she came back so quickly from that knee injury
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Did you get to watch her before this game? Before she got hurt this season she was legitimately Top 3 women I've ever watched play basketball. If it were baseball she'd be a 5 tool player and she's young. Last season the shots and plays she was making I just couldn't look away. Amazing she came back so quickly from that knee injury
Oh yeah. I caught her a few times last year. She’s a baller. Plays the game at a different level than most other women I’ve seen.

Pretty crazy that her and Jalen Suggs (Gonzaga) grew up in the same town. Both had great freshmen years.

And yeah. Lville better pick this up…
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