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2022 NCAA Tournament, Brackets and games

Duh U got outscored 47-15 in the second half. :lol:
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I hope I'm wrong, but my guess is Saint Peter's suffers a similar fate today. I could see Carolina routing them, which would suck.
I suspect they're gonna get crushed. UNC is playing really well and you know they're uber motivated with their arch rival already punching a ticket to the FF. Would be great if they could be another Loyola or George Mason, but I don't see it.
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I suspect they're gonna get crushed. UNC is playing really well and you know they're uber motivated with their arch rival already punching a ticket to the FF. Would be great if they could be another Loyola or George Mason, but I don't see it.
Gotta be out of gas too. Playing that high level twice in one weekend, again. I don’t see it. And UNC won’t overlook them this close to a milestone.

Eventually talent wins out.
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