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2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar

I am sick. My uncle is in the soccer journalist community and knew Grant. My friend at US soccer reached out to him in college and Grant followed up to my young dumb friend to ask what he needed.

fuck this. Natural or probably not
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I forgot that Grant Wahl did the story about a 17-year-old LeBron James when he was on the cover of Sports Illustrated with the "Chosen One" title.


Wahl literally just filed a story about corruption of Qatar and FIFA (this week).

I'm sad at this moment and also angry. I wish the U.S. would investigate but know it probably cannot be done in a foreign country (journalist can, but governments have red tape).
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I mean, maybe travel and stress got him. I don’t even know. I’ve been through extremes on both and still manage to keep ticking.

It could be an awful coincidence but the fact he went there, spoke out as his last act and did not come home is a tragic story.
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The other side of it is he wasn’t the only outspoken person there.

BBC reporters have said their rightful piece. They criticized all of it. I am not tracking enough to know who was on-site vs talking in the safety of their country.

But I can’t imagine Grant was the only one …so what happened.
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Fucking feel sick. Grant was an amazing journalist and deserved to come home.
This. And he was the first to break the snake’s intentions to relocate the Crew and remained in our corner when most of the big journalists/former US soccer guys wanted the move to happen (Twellman and Lalas mainly).

That being said, fuck Qatar and fuck FIFA.
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One-way traffic in the second half of the Morocco-Portugal game (in Portugal's direction).

Not losing Saiss (to injury) would've helped Morocco.
Morocco parking the bus and defending like Portugal is trying to take over the country itself…. the discipline of the D and just the amount of bodies in the area is amazing
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