I have misplaced my pants.
Hell, we've gotten screwed on calls too; the way I see it, there are 4 possibilities....
1) The B1G referees are just plain bad.
2) The B1G referees just hate everybody.
3) both #1 and #2 above.
4) The B1G referees are betting on games and doing their best to effect the outcome.
Maybe it's #1. But I wouldn't say that it's just Big Ten referees. Big Ten referees may not know how to spot what should be a holding penalty, but other leagues' officials have their own issues.
As for #2, that doesn't make sense. But it has some logic to it. I mean, I don't know how someone can hate everyone. But that's not the point. My point is that if Iowa is playing Penn State, and let's say the referee is named Nohn O'jeil (just to make up a name). And he makes a bad call against Iowa. I mean a really bad call that makes all Iowa fans swear to fart in Nohn's face when they see him. Penn State fans don't say, "Yeah, Nohn's not such a bad guy." They say, "That wasn't even as bad as the terrible call he made against us 5 plays ago." Selective memory and stuff. So maybe my vote is back to #1.
I'm pretty sure you're joking, but I hope it isn't #4.