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2020 ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, and Surrender Cobras (Confirmed COWARDS!)

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Texas has the money, the facilities, the recruiting base and the prestige to be on par with Bammer/tOSU/LSU/OU/etc...but just cannot put it together. They fell off because Mack Brown hung on too long and made several poor choices for coordinators that led to some terrible defense and the inability to develop an offense. Most people considered Charlie Strong a good hire coming off his success at Louisville, but he never was embraced in Austin. Tom Herman was THE hot coach in 2016, but he hasn't been able to get anything going. Is that a case of him just being overrated as a coach, or is he just being swallowed up by the negative momentum surrounding the program? Either way, things are broken there.

Imo Herman moved too fast.
His ego set him up for failure.
It's easy for a coordinator to become HC at a midmajor, and basically continue being a coordinator.
Do very good on one side of the ball.
It's hard to build up a cadre of assistants that can take over. Frequently they end up with a staff where everyone is learning a new job... that's a lot of opportunity for Peter Principle.
Mid Majors, and midtier schools happy to wait, provide opportunity for Coordinator to learn HC, position to learn Coordinator, GAs to learn Position.
And to weed out the Peters.
But Herman jumped ship after 2 years at Houston. Had he really learned to be the HC in that timeframe? And just look at the staff he took to Texas.
He didnt keep 1 member of Strong' staff.
3 years later he's replaced both OC and DC with Buckeye staffers... and i assume some position coaches as well.

Compare that to Day, who retained most of his staff. Had Wilson on hand to become the OC while he learns HC. Hired Mattison, an old hand very familiar with B10, to be DC alongside hot hand Hafley. And retained the core position coaches and ancillary staff.
The HC change was done in a very stable environment where everyone largely knew their jobs already.

To go the midmajor route...
Urban spent 2yrs at BG and 2yrs at Utah. By the time he moved to UF he knew how to be a HC and had some chops on hiring staff.

Saban spent 1yr at Toledo, and 5 at MSU.

McElwain spent 2yrs at CSU, got hot... had a great offense with no D... and flopped at UF.

Frost spent 2yrs at UCF, and now struggling mightily at Corn.

Kirby is bucking the trend so far. But tbh, i have this feeling their momentum is fading. Cant get over the hump.

Lincoln, Dabo, Day are all internal guys.
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Imo Herman moved too fast.
His ego set him up for failure.
It's easy for a coordinator to become HC at a midmajor, and basically continue being a coordinator.
Do very good on one side of the ball.
It's hard to build up a cadre of assistants that can take over. Frequently they end up with a staff where everyone is learning a new job... that's a lot of opportunity for Peter Principle.
Mid Majors, and midtier schools happy to wait, provide opportunity for Coordinator to learn HC, position to learn Coordinator, GAs to learn Position.
And to weed out the Peters.
But Herman jumped ship after 2 years at Houston. Had he really learned to be the HC in that timeframe? And just look at the staff he took to Texas.
He didnt keep 1 member of Strong' staff.
3 years later he's replaced both OC and DC with Buckeye staffers... and i assume some position coaches as well.

Compare that to Day, who retained most of his staff. Had Wilson on hand to become the OC while he learns HC. Hired Mattison, an old hand very familiar with B10, to be DC alongside hot hand Hafley. And retained the core position coaches and ancillary staff.
The HC change was done in a very stable environment where everyone largely knew their jobs already.

To go the midmajor route...
Urban spent 2yrs at BG and 2yrs at Utah. By the time he moved to UF he knew how to be a HC and had some chops on hiring staff.

Saban spent 1yr at Toledo, and 5 at MSU.

McElwain spent 2yrs at CSU, got hot... had a great offense with no D... and flopped at UF.

Frost spent 2yrs at UCF, and now struggling mightily at Corn.

Kirby is bucking the trend so far. But tbh, i have this feeling their momentum is fading. Cant get over the hump.

Lincoln, Dabo, Day are all internal guys.

PJ Fleck is another example....4 years at WMU, which was a total reclamation project and showed he could hire staff.

I think Fleck will eventually leave Minny and probably go on to be a major pain in the ass at one of the big boys down the road.
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I think it's risky to assume ANYBODY would leap to take the scUM job. Look at their coaching search after DickRod. They had to settle for Brady friggin' Hoke. In 2014, the stars aligned for them to bring the Harbrau home, but if Jimbo hadn't just been shitcanned by the 49ers, does anybody of note take that job? I'm not so sure. On the flip-side, they're dumping tons of money into Harbaugh right now, and he's giving them post-2000 Lllllllloyd results. Are the blue hairs up there going to be willing to pay $8M/year for a coach again when it yielded such mediocre on-field results this time? Nationally, scUM is viewed as a program that was once a power, but now a chronic under-achiever. I don't think they hold the prestige they did two decades ago. Maybe PJ Fleck is wired to see it as a challenge. Or maybe he looks at it and says the last three coaches (DickRod, Hoke, Harbaugh) had their careers either killed, or at least severely damaged by taking that job. As for Kirby Smart, he's a UGA alum and is doing quite well there. I see no scenario where he leaves that job.

To me, their next step is going to have to be to find an up-and-comer to try to come in and totally reset the way they do things. I just don't see an established coach taking that job if he has other options.
just sayin' they still have a 100K stadium that they fill with regularity, they have the money to meet the market demands and they could afford to write a contract that guarantees an incoming coach 6 or 7 years to get things in order. Fleck knows there's more than a glass ceiling on what can be accomplished at Minnesota, Nagurski and Murray Warmath are not coming home anytime soon. As for Smart, I think the reason Urban did not return to Florida was knowing that he couldn't get past Saban and the Tide. Florida just does not have the fan base, history, and other resources that Alabama has. Why pound your head against the wall of 'Bama, LSU, and Auburn when you'd have a much better chance of getting to the playoffs in the Big Ten. Penn State is pretty much even with what you'd find in Ann Arbor and if you can beat Ohio State occasionally you're in. I might also add that If I'm Kirby, I'm also looking at how easy Dabo has it. He's all but assured the ACC crown and an undefeated season playing against a bunch of basketball schools. Short of Saban suddenly pulling up stakes and Dabo "going home" Michigan would seem to me to offer a much easier way of gettting to the playoffs and winning.
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Regarding Shea Patterson not even signing as an undrafted free agent, bump:

In the August of 2019, first-year offensive coordinator Josh Gattis jokingly references his starting quarterback spending too much time on the golf course during the summer, a comment that carried much more serious undertones behind the scenes. In fact, the players send a message, not electing senior Shea Patterson captain.

"From the moment Shea arrived, he was treated differently, like he could never do anything wrong," another recent exiting player shared with WolverineDigest.com. "Wilton [Speight], John [O'Korn], Brandon [Peters] would all get chewed out for things that they just looked the other way with when it came to Shea."

"There wasn't a lot we could do because Shea was our starting quarterback, but we wanted to let him and our coaches know we weren't happy with his work in the summer - both Joe [Milton] and Dylan [McCaffrey] outworked him, and then Coach immediately went against our decision and named him a captain," a recent departure shared. "Guys weren't happy."

Also, this gem that might be better suited for the ttun recruiting thread:

A respected insider on TheWolverine.com posts about Harbaugh and his staff weeding out a sense of "entitlement within the program" and guys that "aren't all in for the team" suggesting changes in recruiting philosophy and leadership to better assess players that will be selfless in their commitment to Michigan football.
Those Massachusetts 2-stars will be committed to the team, the team, the team and won’t complain when we don’t hold any highly rated player we manage to convince to come here (probably based largely on a sense of entitlement and undeserved arrogance) to the same standards.

The beauty of this self reinforcing locker room poison is a wonderful thing to behold - they can’t get talent unless they have attitude problems, they can’t correct the attitude problems because that was the appeal of coming to Michigan in the first place, they can’t get talented kids without attitude problems because they don’t put them in the league and don’t win games, they can’t win big games because they “corrected” this issue by recruiting 2-stars from Massachusetts, the 2-stars and the talent resent each other because they are treated differently by the coaches, they can’t recruit because their locker room atmosphere is trash... and their coaches suck, can’t recruit, and can’t develop talent... and they don’t win big games or develop players for the league...

The layers of suck are remarkably complex. And it shows in the 1-12 record against top 10 teams. And things are only getting worse as their recruiting falls off a cliff and this cycle spirals ever deeper.

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Regarding Shea Patterson not even signing as an undrafted free agent, bump:


Also, this gem that might be better suited for the ttun recruiting thread:

Those Massachusetts 2-stars will be committed to the team, the team, the team and won’t complain when we don’t hold any highly rated player we manage to convince to come here (probably based largely on a sense of entitlement and undeserved arrogance) to the same standards.

The beauty of this self reinforcing locker room poison is a wonderful thing to behold - they can’t get talent unless they have attitude problems, they can’t correct the attitude problems because that was the appeal of coming to Michigan in the first place, they can’t get talented kids without attitude problems because they don’t put them in the league and don’t win games, they can’t win big games because they “corrected” this issue by recruiting 2-stars from Massachusetts, the 2-stars and the talent resent each other because they are treated differently by the coaches, they can’t recruit because their locker room atmosphere is trash... and their coaches suck, can’t recruit, and can’t develop talent... and they don’t win big games or develop players for the league...

The layers of suck are remarkably complex. And it shows in the 1-12 record against top 10 teams. And things are only getting worse as their recruiting falls off a cliff and this cycle spirals ever deeper.

This also reminds me of the highest rated player currently on their team - Daxton Hill.

The kid who de-committed from Michigan, tried to commit to Bama, was rejected, and ended up back in Michigan’s class.

No red flags for future locker room issues there. :lol:
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This also reminds me of the highest rated player currently on their team - Daxton Hill.

The kid who de-committed from Michigan, tried to commit to Bama, was rejected, and ended up back in Michigan’s class.

No red flags for future locker room issues there. :lol:
Wait, is that what actually happened? Outside of this recruiting board, I don't follow recruiting that closely.
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Wait, is that what actually happened? Outside of this recruiting board, I don't follow recruiting that closely.


Daxton Hill explains why he flipped to Alabama and back to Michigan


Hill's flip back to Michigan came shortly after Alabama got safety Jordan Battle to commit to the Crimson Tide instead of Ohio State on Wednesday, per Hank South of 247Sports.
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Those Massachusetts 2-stars will be committed to the team, the team, the team and won’t complain when we don’t hold any highly rated player we manage to convince to come here (probably based largely on a sense of entitlement and undeserved arrogance) to the same standards.

The beauty of this self reinforcing locker room poison is a wonderful thing to behold - they can’t get talent unless they have attitude problems, they can’t correct the attitude problems because that was the appeal of coming to Michigan in the first place, they can’t get talented kids without attitude problems because they don’t put them in the league and don’t win games, they can’t win big games because they “corrected” this issue by recruiting 2-stars from Massachusetts, the 2-stars and the talent resent each other because they are treated differently by the coaches, they can’t recruit because their locker room atmosphere is trash... and their coaches suck, can’t recruit, and can’t develop talent... and they don’t win big games or develop players for the league...

The layers of suck are remarkably complex. And it shows in the 1-12 record against top 10 teams. And things are only getting worse as their recruiting falls off a cliff and this cycle spirals ever deeper.
Michigan Football - A Vicious Circle of Suck
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The beauty of this self reinforcing locker room poison is a wonderful thing to behold

The two things I always remember when I think of any possible future for tsun football under Jim Harbaugh:

1) Recruiting; It's all about comfort and relationships. They hired a guy with Asperger's.

2) The culture of the program; Ultimately, all organizations take on the personality of their leader. They hired a guy with Asperger's.

The details will vary but the results are inevitable.

He's like Asperger Thanos
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