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2018 NCAA Basketball Tournament Discussion (Official Thread)

players should not be allowed to go to the bench during those "reviews" and the officials were very bad

I want to make a rule change. You can't huddle with your team on official reviews. This free timeout shit was bs.

I have proposed the solution to this problem in the "Rules" thread in the past. :nerd:

Have a dedicated replay official sitting at the table. Their job is to do reviews while game officials monitor the players and coaches. Not only would it get rid of the free time outs, it would be quicker.
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I have proposed the solution to this problem in the "Rules" thread in the past. :nerd:

Have a dedicated replay official sitting at the table. Their job is to do reviews while game officials monitor the players and coaches. Not only would it get rid of the free time outs, it would be quicker.

i have just the guy...

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