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2018 NCAA Basketball Tournament Discussion (Official Thread)

Holy shit Isaac Haas has a fractured elbow

was going to take virginia. lose hunter.

took purdue. lose haas.

now rooting for villanova just for the chaos.

Feel terrible for Haas and Purdue, but that was about my reaction. :lol:

Damn. That's a tough break for Purdue. I was really rooting for them to finally make a Final Four, but they're dead in the water without Lurch.

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texas not being a powerhouse or even consistently good in basketball is so absurd. you're the flagship university of texas, your educational reputation is outstanding, you're awash with money, austin is a great town that sells itself, and the state is ridiculously rich in talent. despite all of that, the longhorns haven't been to the sweet sixteen in a decade, have been past the first round only 3 times in the last decade, and have never won a national title or even played for one. that's pathetic.
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