My definition re: mediocre ~ when you go from '68 to '02 without a NC and along the way continually lose big game after game, many of which the Buckeyes were a favorite to heavy favorite you're mediocre. Losing (7) straight to Southern Cal qualifies also. One of which was at home to a freshman qb playing his second game!
btw, beating TTUN on a regular basis should be the norm. Which makes the '70s/'80s/'90s highly disappointing and totally frustrating! Repeating, admin/athletic directors along the way who were satisfied with said mediocrity was also disheartening.
Yes, my standards are higher than most and no, I do not grade on a curve! Bottom line, one legitimate NC in (45) years is/was not acceptable.
Also losing to Iowa 55-24 makes you very mediocre to say the least.