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2017 College Football Playoffs (and Other Bowl Games)

So if Bama loses to Auburn, their best win is an 8-4 Miss St. team. I. Suppose 9-3 lsu if they win Saturday. While I think Bama is a lock for a spot if they beat Auburn and lose to Georgia,I'm not as certain if they lose to Auburn. While I'd still be surprised by it, even with the [Mark May] show of Iowa you could argue OSU has the better resume. OSU would have 2 wins way better than bamas best win (wisc and psu) and another that is a little better than their best win (MSU). And the whole being a conference champ. And one of OSU's losses being against the #3 team in the country.
If Texas A&M could somehow knock off LSU this weekend it weakens Bama's resume even further. That's why I've been thinking that Bama getting in even if they lost to Auburn wasn't a certainty. OSU had a much stronger argument to get in over Penn State than Alabama would over OSU should it come down to that. Would have been nice if Ole Miss didn't almost completely shit the bed and make the score look closer than it actually was.
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If Texas A&M could somehow knock off LSU this weekend it weakens Bama's resume even further. That's why I've been thinking that Bama getting in even if they lost to Auburn wasn't a certainty. OSU had a much stronger argument to get in over Penn State than Alabama would over OSU should it come down to that. Would have been nice if Ole Miss didn't almost completely [Mark May] the bed and make the score look closer than it actually was.
I agree regarding lsu losing. Bamas top win would possibly be vs an unranked opponent. But if they beat Auburn and lose to Georgia they'd get in, and deservedly so. Although I think the game vs Auburn will be close, but if they win they win easily vs Georgia. Match up much better against them.
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I don't necessarily agree with the teams you listed. I actually think the CFP Committee is going to look for any good reason to keep Ohio State out.

Yes: Bama, Clemson, OU, UGA, Miami, Wisky, Auburn, tOSU

POSSIBLY: Notre Dame (only losses are to GA and Miami-- both could be Conference Champs). This one is not as likely as:


Kirby Hocutt this week (on separation between OSU and USC):

“Well, not a whole lot, Hocutt said. “We spent considerable time this morning in our evaluations of teams 9 and 11. Those three teams right there are very close in our discussion. Obviously Ohio State has the head-to-head victory over Penn State.

“We continue to be impressed with the Southern California team who has played very well as of late. They fought through a number of injuries early in the year. As they got healthy, they started playing better and better, so that was a very talented team we saw in Southern California.”'

Sounds to me like they're ramping up a campaign for USC. We need things to fall our way especially with Bama. If they lose I don't think we have a chance. But, I also believe if we don't blow the doors off scUM and Wisky, it could be USC.

ND is done, they have no conference title game, and with 2 losses if we win out we will jump them for sure if not after this weekend (if we win of course)

USC is behind us, and they don't have the quality of games left we would have. Beating a strong UM team on the road and then beating an ranked undefeated top 5 Wisky team for the B10 would definitely be enough I think to keep us ahead of USC even if they win out, unless USC wins unbelievably and we look poor in our wins, I don't see any way if USC isn't ahead of us or even PSU by now that they would leap us.
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Don't underestimate the amount of fuckery that might take place to get ND into the playoffs. They're already ahead in the ranking, and the committee will probably rationalize it in three ways. First, Notre Dame takes care of Chicago/Great Lakes country regionally. Secondly, the Michigan (8-4, lost to everyone with pulse) and Wiscy (played absolutely nobody until BCG) wins will also be viewed as underwhelming. And lastly, Ohio State had their benefit of the doubt year last year (2014 too if you want), and it's time to give it to somebody else, who just coincidentally happens to be the team for whom the press and espn are pushing. Anyone who really wants to see Ohio State in the playoff had better slaughter a goat to the gods for Stanford.

I don't see it at all. The only chance ND has to stay over us is such an impressive win vs Stanford like we had vs MSU a few weeks ago. They are barely over us now, and beating UM on the road which is a quality win, and then beating an undefeated top 5 team to win the B10 title, that last game would surely leap us over ND who won't have another game after they play Stanford. The committee cannot rationalize putting a 2 loss team with 0 conference titles in over a 2 loss team who finished out killing a ranked team, beating a solid team and rival on the road, and then beating a top 5 undefeated team in the B10 championship. There is no way they will in my opinion.
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So weird question.. if OU has two loses do you all think we get in over them if they lose their championship game? They have the head to head but we have the championship?

No chance.

We should be rooting for Bama and Oklahoma to win out. The ACC is kind of meaningless but Bama can take out Auburn and UGA and Oklahoma winning out helps Ohio State. Clemson winning would eliminate Cryami but I think they are done either way.
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How relieving is that? because I knew Miami wasn't beating Clemson.

If Cryami somehow beat Pitt (they didn't) and then beat Clemson, there would be people screeching about Clemson getting in still if it's a close game.

With Cryami losing, no matter what the outcome of the ACC title game, the ACC will only get one in.

This of course assumes Clemson beats South Carolina....
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