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CFB Weekly Thread 2017 CFB Week 11 Open Thread

Ha ha Georgia gives up a TD and gets a FG....inching closer according to Nessler...even with Vern gone CBS SEC games are just a treasure trove when it comes to commentary...
I was going to say the same shit. Even in a blowout they have to make it sound as if the SEC is so good that every game is always in doubt. Dumbasses
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Not gonna lie. At this point every week I worry if the team decides to show up or not.
Need to finish this season strong... but none of our remaining/potential conference opponents scare me in any way whatsoever.
Next week doesn't scare me. We could fail to show up and still win by 14 from what I've seen against Illinois. But JT needs to stop throwing picks and hurting the O
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@jwinslow Just saw your starting QB and Defense.


Sorry, I had to do it.
I have 4.3 pts per week at QB in the last 3 weeks. There was one mediocre outing the week before that, with 33 pts in the month before that :lol:
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I was going to say the same [Mark May]. Even in a blowout they have to make it sound as if the SEC is so good that every game is always in doubt. Dumbasses
The moment is proving too big for Georgia. Not unusual for a team unaccustomed to spotlight, but unusual for this team. Tells you how good Auburn is.

Ivan Maisel, ESPN Senior Writer
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Next week doesn't scare me. We could fail to show up and still win by 14 from what I've seen against Illinois. But JT needs to stop throwing picks and hurting the O

Coaches need to stop passing the ball in situations where they should run it, as happened on two picks today.
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The moment is proving too big for Georgia. Not unusual for a team unaccustomed to spotlight, but unusual for this team. Tells you how good Auburn is.

Ivan Maisel, ESPN Senior Writer

every time I think they've exhausted my ability to be nauseated by their SEC propaganda, they find a way to break through to another level
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