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CFB Weekly Thread 2017 CFB Week 11 Open Thread

The moment is proving too big for Georgia. Not unusual for a team unaccustomed to spotlight, but unusual for this team. Tells you how good Auburn is.

Ivan Maisel, ESPN Senior Writer
Let's be real here. The moment is always too big for Georgia they do this every year they are supposed to be in contention...
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Eh we should have been throwing on the first and it was an ok idea on the last considering what we did in the red zone in the 2nd half. Just 2 horrible throws on the right idea

Not the best throws, but it's JT and the coaches should know it by now.

Up 35-0 there's no need to chase points the final minute of the first half. In the second half, we didn't need to throw it again after the early bomb for six. Both picks could've been easily avoided by not throwing in the first place.
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