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CFB Weekly Thread 2017 CFB Week 11 Open Thread

scUM is similarly garbage that's been exposed against every opponent with a pulse. They're riding high on a 3rd string QB behind Wilton "where's my helmet" Speight against Rutgers and Maryland.
Their most convincing wins are against Florida and Purdue ... I wouldn't bet your money in that game.
I wouldn't bet money, but I think scUMs defense is the perfect match for the Wiscy offense. Taylor is all they have, and I think scUMs DL could keep him in check. Wiscy needs to get to Peters early and often if they're gonna win that game.
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scUM may well beat them, but if they're being exposed by Iowa WTF did the Hawkeyes do to the Buckeyes?

I'd say Iowa is a better team than scUM at this point. That'd be a decent matchup tbh. But besides us, Iowa has beat a team with a pulse (ISU). All 3 losses by 1 score to PSU, MSU, and Northwestern. scUM hasn't beat anyone and got raped by PSU.
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scUM may well beat them, but if they're being exposed by Iowa WTF did the Hawkeyes do to the Buckeyes?
Fuck if I know. That's a game that defies explanation on every level. Just a terrible showing in every way. I understand a come down after an emotional.come back win against the supposed #3 team in the country, but not to the tune of 31 points. Iowa plays stone age football and dominated us.
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