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CFB Weekly Thread 2017 CFB Week 11 Open Thread

Only disagreement is that the Iowa game tarnishes everything OSU will accomplish this year. It is a big red X mark for the playoff commission, but to me it was a hugely dissappointing wake up call.

If they win out and go 12-2, I'll look back and see it as a maturing moment.
Yup. The same team that racked up 48 points and nearly 500 yards on our defense currently has less than 20 total yards against Wisconsin.
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And this Iowa-Wisconsin game is exposing Wiscy. They've coasted against a cake schedule, but are struggling to beat a team with fourteen yards of offense. They are garbage. scUM will beat them, IMO.

scUM is similarly garbage that's been exposed against every opponent with a pulse. They're riding high on a 3rd string QB behind Wilton "where's my helmet" Speight against Rutgers and Maryland.
Their most convincing wins are against Florida and Purdue ... I wouldn't bet your money in that game.
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Only disagreement is that the Iowa game tarnishes everything OSU will accomplish this year. It is a big red X mark for the playoff commission, but to me it was a hugely dissappointing wake up call.

If they win out and go 12-2, I'll look back and see it as a maturing moment.
Oh, I agree. There's still a lot to show this year...I was talking mainly in regards to the playoff discussion. One of the big things I wanted to see today was how they reacted to getting their dicks kicked in. They responded perfectly. If that was indeed a wake up call, and they're now a better team for it, kudos to everyone around. MSU isn't great, but that was a solid football team they dominated today.
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And this Iowa-Wisconsin game is exposing Wiscy. They've coasted against a cake schedule, but are struggling to beat a team with fourteen yards of offense. They are garbage. scUM will beat them, IMO.

scUM may well beat them, but if they're being exposed by Iowa WTF did the Hawkeyes do to the Buckeyes?
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