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CFB Weekly Thread 2017 CFB Week 11 Open Thread

I felt that they needed a good showing in the B1G championship, and we all know how that went.

Major difference between 2014 & 2017, IMO. That 2014 team didn't get embarrassed in their ninth game, and seemed to be getting better almost every week as the season went on. This team was on that trajectory after an early season loss. But then they put themselves in a terrible position against the Pedtards. Yes, the outcome dulled some of the glaring issues in game, but those first 2.5 quarters happened. And that same [Mark May] carried over into Iowa City. That 31 point loss to a very average team tarnishes everything else this team has or will accomplish this year. It was just a big [Mark May] sandwich, no escaping it.

Listen, I think on a good day, we can beat anybody. Today was a good day. However, I still feel their Jeckyll/Hyde personality can rear.its ugly head at any time.

Just my opinions.

Only disagreement is that the Iowa game tarnishes everything OSU will accomplish this year. It is a big red X mark for the playoff commission, but to me it was a hugely dissappointing wake up call.

If they win out and go 12-2, I'll look back and see it as a maturing moment.
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