So I had an interesting conversation tonite with my baby brother, who happens to be a DB at Boston College. To put it lightly, the players are pissed at Don Brown for how he left the program. Apparently the guy was acting as if everything was business as usual around the team, talking as if he would see them after Christmas break. Next thing they know he's left for the scUM job. In my brother's words, he hopes Don Brown "fails miserably" there. He talked about understanding that it's a business, but the players overall still felt let down and lied to. He didn't notify them, address the team, or give them any indication he was leaving. Subsequently my brother also hates Harbaugh now lol (He came close to attending scUM...yeah, I know)
Another part of our convo was about Brown's system. He said that he wouldn't be surprised if it took scUM players at least two seasons to pick it up. Now, my brother almost went to Harvard, and kids on that team are pretty sharp in general. He said that everything was man press coverage, no zone, and always on an island, and they didn't backpedal. Instead they used a technique called "glide step" or...glide something lol But basically they were taught to mimic the receiver's footwork and mirror him instead of backpedaling. He said Brown's schemes were so difficult because he took everything from the NFL, and used a ton of signals and different coverages that took them a long time to pick up.
Just wanted to share that, even though I'm sure a lot of you have good knowledge of Brown's system. I just thought it was very interesting that the players basically wish him bad luck at scUM, and that scUM's defense could potentially take a couple seasons to gel and yield returns on the hiring that was praised by all talking heads outside of Ohio. GO BUCKS!!!