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2015 Sugar Bowl Less Civilized Thread (Arguments/Shenanigans)

I'm not a frequent participant in this thread, but this was pretty good:

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The very fact that the SEC website posted this crap is proof that they are fucked.

Listened to a bit of Finebaum for the first and last time yesterday. He managed to squeeze in both of the above callers during the first thirty minutes or so. Found a scene from HBO's movie about Wanda Holloway running on loop in my mind. Wanda's brother-in-law has just played a tape he secretly recorded of her murder for hire plan for the local cops. The cop's response is "This bitch is crazy."

These bitches are both crazy. I could easily imagine either one of them formulating some murder for the honor of the S E C plot.

Listening to them makes me despair for the future of the human race.
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Finebaum is absolute gold today. I was laughing hysterically at the Tammy call. Phyllis was in top form, as well, even if she is rather predictable now.

How can you stand to listen to it? I tried, but then I wanted to kill myself after about thirty seconds.

The IQ level of that show is somewhere around 60.

Speaking of which, fucking Forest Gump got a scholarship to Alabama. That's all I have to say about that.
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How can you stand to listen to it? I tried, but then I wanted to kill myself after about thirty seconds.

The IQ level of that show is somewhere around 60.

Speaking of which, fucking Forest Gump got a scholarship to Alabama. That's all I have to say about that.

If Jerry Springer did a radio show about football, that's the Finebaum Show from what I could tell in the hour or so I tried to watch.
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