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2015 Sugar Bowl Less Civilized Thread (Arguments/Shenanigans)

Not my work. Somebody on the Shag caught the reference.

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It is funny what you notice on the third viewing of a game. For instance, at the end of the first half after Blake Sims took a knee, he sprinted 20 yards in the wrong direction before his teammates who were walking in the opposite direction toward the locker rooms finally caught his attention. "Hey, dumbass. Wrong way!"
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God I love when Finebaum baits people. Some nutso lady just called in prattling on about how no other conference has done what the SEC has done in the past 15 years. Paul told her the conference just lost 5 games. She went ballistic. Paul just keeps on going: "Do you realize Auburn just lost to a team that got beat 59-0?" :slappy:
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God I love when Finebaum baits people. Some nutso lady just called in prattling on about how no other conference has done what the SEC has done in the past 15 years. Paul told her the conference just lost 5 games. She went ballistic. Paul just keeps on going: "Do you realize Auburn just lost to a team that got beat 59-0?" :slappy:
Tammy the Auburn Fan. She calls in daily.
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This website is funny!! These people act like they've actually played someone this season and tout their "strength" over powerhouses like Cincinnati, Kent State, Illinois, etc. They ended the season with wins against 2 ranked teams who would've been at the bottom of the SEC West at the very best.

When minor college players play high school caliber teams all year, how can you not expect the season you've had? Ohio State is in one of the weakest conferences in the nation, even including FCS and D-2, and still like to talk trash? WOW!!

Melvin Gordon picked that up against one of the weakest teams in the nation!! The Bucks will have their chance. Merry Christmas.

Man, I miss this guy...
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