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2015 Sugar Bowl Less Civilized Thread (Arguments/Shenanigans)

Where's all these Bama fans today? Would love for one of them to have the bravery to show up today and comment. Doubt that will happen, but would be impressed if it happens. Their team was beaten soundly in every aspect of the game EXCEPT the punting game. That guy was a KILLER, and he kept the score closer than the game was played.

Bama fans won't be back though. Tail between the legs... licking their wounds... trying to scheme for some way to add this to their self-proclaimed list of FALSE Championships. More than anything else, last night was a passing of the torch, and the Bama fans know it.

But, correct me if I'm wrong, Bama fans. Anyone brave enough to speak up now? Where'd you all go?
We've been in the civilized thread.
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I feel bad for this fella's beagle.

"They lost to a third-string fucking quarterback in his second game. Are you kidding me?"

Nope. We're stone cold serious. :lol:

Ya' know how "there's no crying in baseball"?

Well, there's no "we're supposed to be the champions" in football, either.

That's why they play the game, child. That's why they Play. The. Game.
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