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Game Thread 2015 National Championship Game: (2) Oregon vs. (4) Ohio State, Jan 12th @ 8:30p ET, ESPN

Cash, when you see things like this, understand that the guys and gals here have put up with being told their team isn't good enough for about a decade now. This might finally be our year and it has been a wild ride. Most people didn't think these guys had a shot in hell, so just keep this in mind when you see us thumping our chests and finally celebrating a little dominance. You're good company, but you haven't lived with the clamoring that we've had since the game against UF in 07. This is just our party right now and it can get a little wild. Cheers, man.
I hear ya. I got a little worked up.
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I hear ya. I got a little worked up.

Understandable. It's a passionate bunch here, without question. I like to think we're pretty welcoming, but even I have had to step back and jump up and down a few times for this season. I'd get defensive (and have) regarding this coach, this team, and the way they've clawed and scratched this year against all odds. It's nothing personal, trust me on that. I just had someone tell me how Oregon is going to crush us because Alabama is down this year and we had it easy, etc. etc... so it isn't as if we aren't STILL hearing about how we aren't good enough, even after knocking off #1 Alabama. That stuff is frustrating and most of us are just sick of it. lol
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Understandable. It's a passionate bunch here, without question. I like to think we're pretty welcoming, but even I have had to step back and jump up and down a few times for this season. I'd get defensive (and have) regarding this coach, this team, and the way they've clawed and scratched this year against all odds. It's nothing personal, trust me on that. I just had someone tell me how Oregon is going to crush us because Alabama is down this year and we had it easy, etc. etc... so it isn't as if we aren't STILL hearing about how we aren't good enough, even after knocking off #1 Alabama. That stuff is frustrating and most of us are just sick of it. lol
I love how we all try to predict what a bunch of 20 year olds are going to do on the field.

OSU should be fine. They have good speed, power, and are well coached. My main concern for OSU is The Avalanche effect of the tempo, and oregon's ability to force turnovers. I read a quote from on of the players saying they saw that fsu carried the ball loosely and thought they would be able to take it away. I wonder if they see the same kind of weakness in OSU. I still believe cardale is susceptible to a pass rush, but he should also be getting better every day. I would bet Oregon's pass rush is better than bama's.

Who will exert their will, the tempo of oregon or the power of OSU?
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I love how we all try to predict what a bunch of 20 year olds are going to do on the field.

oSU should be fine. They have good speed, power, and are well coached. My main concern for OSU is The Avalanche effect of the tempo, and oregon's ability to force turnovers. I read a quote from on of the players saying they saw that fsu carried the ball loosely and thought they would be able to take it away. I wonder if they see the same kind of weakness in OSU. I still believe cardale is susceptible to a pass rush, but he should also be getting better every day. I would bet Oregon's pass rush is better than bama's.

Who will exert their will, the tempo of oregon or the power of OSU?

Well, I'm hoping you're wrong about Oregon having a better rush, but their speed is concerning. Especially disguised blitz packages and coming off the edges. Cardale must be ready to dump it off quick when (not if) they start blitzing.

I think our D-line will have its way with their O, but that is also a concern. They'll be expecting that if they're smart and mix up quickness with trick plays.

I think this one will be much more mental than physical for our guys. I just hope they're able to adapt and adjust on the fly. Easier to practice than perform in a live game.
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I love how we all try to predict what a bunch of 20 year olds are going to do on the field.

oSU should be fine. They have good speed, power, and are well coached. My main concern for OSU is The Avalanche effect of the tempo, and oregon's ability to force turnovers. I read a quote from on of the players saying they saw that fsu carried the ball loosely and thought they would be able to take it away. I wonder if they see the same kind of weakness in OSU. I still believe cardale is susceptible to a pass rush, but he should also be getting better every day. I would bet Oregon's pass rush is better than bama's.

Who will exert their will, the tempo of oregon or the power of OSU?

Hey, you son of a bitch. What's the big idea in not capitalizing the "O" in "OSU"??? You wanna be the big man and come in and talk shit, bro? You better bring your "A" game, son, or we will hunt you down like a rabid fucking coondog.
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He wanted to go to OsU. Instead of just leaving Florida because he said he wanted to, he came up with his "health scares" and "family time" issues once he lost sec dominance.

If you were his family, wouldn't you be pissed if he said he was going to quit coaching to finally spend time with you, but then was like, "nevermind guys, we're moving to Ohio! I'll see you at Christmas and July fourth!"

If you want to say Meyer left the SEC because he thought he couldn't win there then you're entitled to that opinion. You realize that Meyer permanently left UF while Tressel was still tOSU's coach, right? He didn't leave Florida to take the Buckeyes job. You do realize he took a year off coaching right?
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If you want to say Meyer left the SEC because he thought he couldn't win there then you're entitled to that opinion. You realize that Meyer permanently left UF while Tressel was still tOSU's coach, right? He didn't leave Florida to take the Buckeyes job. You do realize he took a year off coaching right?
Yes. I addressed that.

Joey Galloway was on the SEC Network today:

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On soapbox:

SOME of you guys need to listen to yourselves You are just as bad as the People who believe in total sec dominance. Do I believe the SEC was dominant? Yes, at the top, that's why they won several titles in a row. Do I believe the middle of the conference was dominant over the top of other conferences? No, and I don't care about the middle of the conference. I'm tired of some of you guys being conspiracy nuts and trying to discount an argument by saying I am an SEC homer when there is absolutely nothing on here that supports that. I think I was one of the first Bama posters here to say we were in for a rough time in this game. If "hurrr durrr, you think SEC is dominant so you are dumb." Is the main source of why you think you are right, you aren't. Furthermore, you are just as bad as those who proclaim the SEC to be dominant, because you are making assumptions without caveats or thoughts that you could be wrong. It's always dangerous to assume something like that, just ask those finebaum callers that said the sugar bowl was going to look like bama vs Notre dame.

Sorry for cluttering this thread, but I saw this crap twice in one page.

Edit: make it three times.

Say why he was leaving. That he was tired of dealing with SEC fans and expectations and that he wanted to go somewhere he was going to be appreciated.
These two posts came from the same person. It's always dangerous to assume something....but it's factual that Urban ran from the SEC because it was too hard.
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Slightly agree w/Gcashwell in that I believe a very minor reason Meyer stepped down was 'cause he knew it wouldn't be anytime soon that the Gators would be back on top again. But still believe the main reason was his health and he truly believed he would never coach again. But after he became a commentator on EsecPN the itch to get back started to totally consume him.

The fact that he first resigned, then changed his mind again and after another season stepped down for good tells you he's a man obsessed w/coaching college football and not afraid otherwise he wouldn't have decided to return for another season at Florida.

It's an itch that never goes away. Dick Vermeil comes to mind who was totally consumed w/coaching when he was head coach of the Eagles. Quit and after (15) years returned to coach the Rams. I digress.

But as others have mentioned, OSU was his dream job and it looked in no way of having a head coaching need for at least another (10) years as Tressel had become a permanent fixture only losing to MI once and one NC.

So ulterior motives just weren't relevant when Meyer stepped down at Florida. Although Meyer did get very luck this season when he had a Heisman trophy candidate QB go down before the season starts. Then has another Heisman trophy candidate QB go down in the MI game and is left w/a 3rd string QB to carry the mail against MI, WI & 'Bama. Indeed, how can a guy get so damn lucky?

And that last paragraph is why diehard 'Bama fans are in need of psychiatric care.

Cardale Jones, Cardale Jones
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